Saturday, February 13, 2010

Why I Like It Longer

Yeah, it felt like it has been forever since I updated my blog, like two months? Well here’s a post. Uber long. Too many things happened, and the beginning part is kinda unrelated. So skip till the first picture

The main reason why I didn’t update is mostly because of my brother’s wedding. It helped me to understand a lot of things.

Anyway before proceeding to the long post, here’s the link to my brother’s wedding pictures. Congratulations to them! They wed on the 7th of February. Enjoy yourselves. Thanks to my cousin brother for lending me his Nikon D60 =D

Anyway the main thing is, in terms of a longest journey one can experience, is life itself. Thinking about the future of myself looking back to the past. The good times my friends and I had together. I want to treasure that. So yeah I did. On a Saturday school day.

P1030108 A view of the moon that I take a look at every morning before school.

Well yeah, I studied at St. Michael’s since primary school and this will most probably be my last year here. I want to make this year a good memory to be kept in me.

P1030109 Picture of your alma mater is a must, no? Without it, you probably won’t even meet your friends!

The school was built on 1912 by the way. Two years more and this building is a hundred years old!

Well as far as I realize, the journey is long. Memories are gained along the way. The longer the memory lasts, the better it gets. Just like all the classical songs in the world.

P1030111 The usual morning view I have a look at nearly every day from my place.

On the other side, it’s like nature’s heaven there.

P1030220 A view of the church and the nature’s heaven.

I just imagine how great it is to feel back the old memories when I’m long way past this checkpoint in my journey. It feels confusing yet enjoyable.


Friendship. A great thing in life, yet can be turned around into our enemy. Making friends is a long step, but turning friends into enemies is only a snap away. I want to treasure my friends. Just try to make as less friends as possible. Nobody is perfect, so at least try to be perfect, no?

P1030180 Kenny and I. Bryan should’ve asked to take a photo together =D

P1030183 Sean enjoying his food with a weird expression somehow =D

P1030231 Yu Jin! My great friend =D

P1030213 Howard and Sean. We’re just messing around at the discipline teacher’s room =D Lighting has some problem at Howard’s angle though =\

Well as far as my boredom at school gets during the gotong-royong, I did snap a lot of pictures of the view. It’ll be too long, so here’s the best picture I took.

P1030225 The beauty of nature.

And for a year I spent with my crazy classmates, it seems like I’m feeding on that. I seem to enjoy that. My whole class did. Taking an advantage to take a camera to school, I took a lot of photos just for memories. We did took a group photo too. Thanks to Falakh.

P1030274 Tek Wai, Jeffrey, Someone, Weng Hoe and Kar Fu.

I wonder what I’m really posting somehow. It gets more and more random, but somehow I’m enjoying this. The post goes longer and longer too.

P1030150 Come on, you guys are totally great yet random posers LOL! =D

P1030120 Falakh and Azrul.

P1030235 Good friends since Form 1 days =D

Well the biggest reason for that Saturday school is because of  some gotong-royong that requires us to wrap the table in plastic sheets. And thus my assistant monitor in action!

P1030243 Forgive me Jeffrey =D

And I guess everyone would miss their alma mater right? So why not take a picture of it now and keep it as a memory now?

Apart of doing all those, I was actually a monitor back when I was in Form 1, and yet I am “elected” as a monitor too. Well I’m glad to be a monitor somehow. Don’t know why, just feels great. Maybe because this might be my last year in school, so I shall serve as much as I can??

DSC_0327The monitor tie, monitor badge with class and another monitor badge.

P1030276 refined Enjoy the little things while you still can.

On the night of 6th February, a bachelor’s night party was held so… It was rather a memorable night for the groom, no? So we did invite friends to come enjoy and party along.

Invited a few but only two are able to come. Howard and Kenny.

DSC_0038 Look at Howard enjoying COD4 with the 5Hv2.

The night was rather just random. Did all sorts of random stuff then camwhored a lot too. =D

DSC_0053 Eat! Eat! Eat! Eat! Eat! Eat! How did you guys tasted the ingredients used?

DSC_0081 Kenny’s phone decoration. Very special =D

DSC_0082 The facepalm.

DSC_0083 The thrill!

DSC_0086 The one who enjoys watching replays *Facepalm*

DSC_0099 The one who enjoys COD4 – again!

DSC_0111 The picture of the night =D

And yet, I like how the post go all long. Makes the readers just want to read on and on and to know what happens next. Here I am posting this really long post, a part of wanting it to be this way and another to be a part of Nuffnang’s Why I Like It Longer contest!

lg Little random to fit it in here, but still, good luck to other contestants!