Saturday, August 28, 2010

Swing from the hip now!

I’m back! Not by swinging from my hip that is, my backbone is killing me these days. It’s from a song, 00 Gringo by Urban Delights. A funky song I must say.

SPM Trials just past for a day, and I’m like a free bird now. I never felt so care free.

First off, being an uncle now. Yes. My sister-in-law gave birth and is now a mother to a baby girl. Gabrieanne Yap Xin Yee.

DSC_1200If you ever see this picture of yourself in the future, please don’t sue me.

DSC_1198I can’t just leave this picture in my hard disk. =|

Next up is a lame one. My brother actually plays Starcraft II.

P1060313It’s so lame!

I actually went into a wine house with my mom. To my surprise, the place is cozy and I find it really pleasant.

P1060269Don’t really have a nice shot of the whole shop inside, too dark =|

For dead phones, we have first blood! Not really dead, it's the screen’s problem I suppose.

P1060346Notice the different colour of the buttons LOL.

Yeah It’s my mom’s Sony Ericsson W550i. Turns out it’s only a minor problem, but she got a Corby Wifi instead.

Kitchen had been leaking water due to external retention and caused a minor flood in the kitchen! *Gasp*

P1060378Happens only during heavy rains.

P1060379There’s this line of crack that enables all water to get in. This thing squeezes fillers out. It did the job magically.

P1060380A part got patched up. Just look at the cracks =\

Somehow my niece’s first full moon celebration arrived. That month was fast.

P1060476The family with someone extra there.

See the whole gallery only on Facebook! Link to my profile at the side >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

That leads me to today. Trials are over, being care free by celebrating my joy with a DSLR borrowed from my cousin brother. He got a UV filter and a +4 macro filter, both for about RM60, which I can’t believe! It’s so cheap! So I got around and objectwhoring. It’s a macro filter, who wouldn’t snap close-ups?

DSC_1242DSC_1230DSC_1241DSC_1235Yup, 5Hv2 got a new companion, the iPod Nano 2nd Gen.

This player might be old, but it still does its job pretty long lasting with a single charge.

Well I better go sleep now, it’s already 12.30a.m. and I have to jump out of the bed early to get to KL tomorrow! Should be posting again real soon!