Sunday, July 29, 2012

Tension and stress

Stress,  strain and tension. They're all familiar words as physical quantitative numbers.

I'm talking about the mental one.

Assignments that can't be solved, questions that are irrelevant, clueless lecturers and 6 inch-thick textbooks.

I wonder how someone can balance a life like this.

Studies, friends, clubs, personal


I have too much more to learn; friendship, socializing, all those things that is SUPPOSED to be learn at younger age but I never got a chance.

I'm already stressing myself out. Any more and I'll be ill.

I feel like suiciding.

Someone, please.
Someone. Please, help me.
Help me.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What do you want from me?

Tell me, what do you want from me?

I got some little cheerful, so I smile and I laugh. But no, Brother Matthew (one of founder founder of St. Michael Ipoh) and this super loud lecturer seems to be having something against me.

Questioning my reason to smile. Picking on me because I smile.

Can't I smile?

If I don't smile, you guys say that I'm emotional. So I tried to look at the silver lining around the gloomy clouds and smiled, yet I got picked because I'm smiling.

So tell me world :


From high school till now. Things never change eh?