Sunday, November 18, 2012


Does numbers really do matter that much to you? Please, proceed. You know that 90% of them aren't even coming, and the insurance agent analogy holds true. Numbers aren't even close to being the deciding factor in this case. Get your priorities straight. You're giving your life up for something irrelevant. You're abandoning those who care for you. Abandoning your friends and your lover. Given that all of those people magically came, it's utter shit if you can't manage to pull off a decent event.

But please, do. I'd like to see.

Publicity yes, you got your name out

Friday, November 16, 2012

Does anyone actually care?

Do you care? I know I do. I cared too much actually. But what's the point? As if you'll care about me. Anyone for that matter. I'm disposable.