Friday, March 14, 2014

A year in recap (2013)

This is definitely going to be more than a year, that's for sure. There are a few particular highlights that I can't overlook.

Janaury 2013
You know how it is when someone breaks your heart for the third time? Well, this is the time - the third time. It's something that I don't clearly know what I did wrong - or was it if the other person was the one to blame.

In any case, it's just the gloomiest, most depressing time in my entire life. I couldn't find anything wrong, and I can't find any errors in it either.

March 2013
It takes some time for a broken heart to love again. I did get myself out there again, but obviously a lot different from who I was before. It's amazing what a month or two in solace can do to a human.

Through the months passed through 2013, I learned to love and learned what and how to ignore the people over and over again. The introversion inside of me can never be ignored, and most definitely cannot even be suppressed. Of course I can use the workaround and try to socialize for some time, but it obviously wouldn't work for an extended period of time.

Some nearby time
I'd like to point out too that during the 2nd semester of 2013 was some time that I'm somewhat worried and confused. Being separated by those I became close with wasn't something I'm looking forward to. Each time that happened in the end, it ends up being separated forever instead.

So yes, the 2nd semester was... I'd say a little off beat. I did plan up a Christmas gathering for everyone and was well surprised unexpectedly by a card with everyone's wishes and also a camera strap. 

Sorry about the camera strap though, feels like I forced you to give the camera strap to me for free.

After Christmas... there wasn't much except that the total number of assignments I did for the 2nd semester was pretty much double the number of assignments I'm supposed to be doing. I did about 9 assignments out of the original 6. Maybe I was expecting something in return.

Again skipping ahead of time, here comes my birthday.

Before I begin, there's something I must tell you.

A best friend is very important to me and here's why - there are several reasons.
  1. Seeing everyone having their best friends back since early secondary school days until today makes me feel very lonely.
  2. I expect that my life wouldn't be the same old boring, lonely and empty life when I have a best friend.
  3. At least a friend cares about me.

Now, let's move on.

March 6th 2014.

I never expected anything. Again this year I hid my birthday from any social stuff for an obvious reason.
  1. I don't want my Facebook to be spammed with empty and insincere wishes, as if they're forced to wish me.
  2. I don't have any of my previous birthdays celebrated by friends before.
  3. I don't expect anyone to even remember it.
  4. I don't expect anyone would go through the trouble to plan and celebrate my birthday.

Somehow I was wrong. All of the above was wrong.
This time around, something is totally different.
Everything changed.

  1. There was someone who wished me a happy birthday before my birthday, and wished again when the clock hit 12.00am.
  2. A surprise was planned, but a certain some fatty screwed it up.
  3. People actually remembered, though I guessed they're those who are compelled to wish because someone else wished.
  4. Someone went through the trouble to think and plan, and celebrated my birthday.
Obviously it didn't go as well as they wanted it to be, but it is something I'm really happy and proud about.

All I have to say is this.
Thank you to my best friend.

Let's just say that when I got the call asking where I was, my heart was somehow jumping up and about.
When they got to my house that night, I was dead happy.
When they sang the birthday song together, I wanted to cry.

The powerful emotion I felt when I had my first birthday celebration by friends.
NO PRESENT!!!!!! I sad - actually, not really sad, just some basic sad. But well, I know how hard it is for anyone to think of what to get for me that's for sure. I don't tell what I want, and anything I need, I'll get it myself. I'm pretty bottled up, aren't I?

Seriously, thank you to my best friend Mr Rotarykite. The way you gathered information or pinpointing my position and my schedule on that day was absolutely flawed. It's funny since it is your first time planning for a birthday surprise after all. And I'm happy to be your first! You still owe me a hug~~~

If there was anything I wanted to hear... It'll be this sentence.
"You're my best friend."

You better beware of your birthday. 
I'll show you how to gather information.
I'll show you how to plan it out nicely (activities not included)
I'll make you cry FOR SURE.


I'm glad to finally have a best friend. Hyphen Heights. It's been a year since then.
Now to endure the test of time? I don't think that's hard.
Cheers, here's to the coming years.

Win more stuff from contests, alright?

Till next time - or maybe the next year in recap again.