Friday, October 31, 2008

Warcraft III - Rockstar Arthas Speakers

Wow look at these speakers from Harmon Kardon! They look much more like those in the Warcraft III credits screen there. Well actually is does looks like it. A full introduction here
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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Photoshop apples =D

I got an euthusiasm for photoshopping, so I thought I might just make this apple! Well after numerous attempt because of my stupid computer that keeps crashing when I want to Motion Blur it I finally done it!

This is my apple!! MINE!!! I know it looks weird.

This is the apple from the guide. It looks so much better =(

This is  Chee Ching's apple =D

Still, thanks Ching for the tutorial website =O
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Saturday, October 25, 2008

A good day back at MapleStory, in ghost form =D
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Friday, October 17, 2008

Figma Figma~

Well I promised that after exams = Yuki Nagato Figma opening ceremony but I opened it on the 12th of October at night =\ Cant resist her sexiness alienism.

This is the box. I don't know why but my brother's 5MP 1337 camera has this red-color-enthusiast.

Well I ripped this whole scanner-printer here because it is useless. Already can't boot up. Why waste a golden slot of decorations? I removed this huge piece of junk.

And transformed it to this. My colelctions are like only my brother's amount divided by 4.

I is playing God Knows as ENOZ (I refer it as ONOZ) guitarist!

Hare Hare Yukai!

The picture spoke itself.

Starling Inferno LOL!!
Where is Mikuru? I miss her beam.

I love Figma
Figma > Fraulein 2nd Generation

Windows Live Messenger 9.0 BETA - Review by Koki

Lol its my first time doing some reviews on a program.

To get this fast and simple, the new Live Messenger looks nice and lots of eye candy till I can't even open my eye.

The new Live Messenger has lots of disadvantages currently
  • Some places which I want to be transparent cannot be transparent-ed and vice versa.
  • Eats some more RAM (Maybe because its still BETA).
  • The current BETA's contact search DOES NOT WORK.
To get on with the advantages,
  • Are there anything else than eye candy? No.
Other than that, it does have some more inter-changable functions like nudge sound and stuff prepared.

Conclusion, it kinda suck. Wait for the full release and we'll see!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Figma is here!

Well I'm not gonna open it till 17th Oct, which is when my exams are over*cought*fek you exams*cough* finishes, I will open it. Now, I'm keeping it like a precious treasure till my exams are over. Keep looking for another update till I opened my Figma!

Front view!

Bottom front view of the box

Left-side view..

Back view..

Right-side view!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I just ordered Yuki Nagato Figma today =D

I ordered one!! Happy happy! But exams coming!!! *idonoeitheriamhappyorsadnowbecauseafterexamipartylikehellandescapefromlifeandgotokl*

I want Yuki Nagato Figma! T_T

Isn't she pretty? She is an alien =D

This thing is so highly anticipated, it ran out of stock during pre-orders.