Friday, October 17, 2008

Figma Figma~

Well I promised that after exams = Yuki Nagato Figma opening ceremony but I opened it on the 12th of October at night =\ Cant resist her sexiness alienism.

This is the box. I don't know why but my brother's 5MP 1337 camera has this red-color-enthusiast.

Well I ripped this whole scanner-printer here because it is useless. Already can't boot up. Why waste a golden slot of decorations? I removed this huge piece of junk.

And transformed it to this. My colelctions are like only my brother's amount divided by 4.

I is playing God Knows as ENOZ (I refer it as ONOZ) guitarist!

Hare Hare Yukai!

The picture spoke itself.

Starling Inferno LOL!!
Where is Mikuru? I miss her beam.

I love Figma
Figma > Fraulein 2nd Generation

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