Sunday, December 30, 2007

Meh sister back from Korea FOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

My doom is back, from Korea. BUT I did get lots of stuffs from her.
I got this :

MapleStory juice? Not available for sale here.

I got it from my sister's boyfriend.....

Look at this little cute thing.... Looks like some pretty useless decoration mushy?

ZOMFG IT SHINES!!!11oneone11 Mushy shine saya tido~!!!!

At the end of the day, I found this while I am finding Hard Gay's new album.

He got his own ice sculpture!!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

24th December 2007 ; 11.30pm

My brother called me on 11.25pm, called me to take stuffs because he's coming back to leave some stuffs at home. He called to wait for 1 minute and so I said to everyone in MapleStory that I will go AFK for 1 minute. Unfortunately, he's a typical Malaysian with the "Malaysian street lies". "PEK GEH WAAAAN CHAO DOU GE LAH"!!! Which means "1 more turn I reach!" I waited for nearly 5 minutes, when he's back I saw the "Moon of Jesus"


So after I took the pedobear stick and a lollipop, I left the stuffs on the table and I went back to MapleStory. We went to kill the "Clock Boss", A.K.A. Papulatus


I died few times inside the boss arena because the boss has a Dispel skill, to make all your skill buffs gone! I was lucky because the 2nd time, he dispelled me for like 3 times, me and my party members never died! XD

We're victorious!

We we're killing halfway when Christmas came. So we decided to celebrate Christmas inside the boss arena. >_>

Sunday, December 23, 2007

1337 Positive Phototropism

Look at this picture!
Its the aloe vera my mom planted.
Its strange that it actually has FLOWERS bearing........

Teh aloe vera and the flower.
The flower is from this aloe vera O_O

Mims song, This Is Why I'm Hot, edited, This Is Why I'm 1337!
This is really... Really strange -_-

Never expected the power of phototropism is SO GREAT that this actually happened from a sleeping plant to become this in less than 3 days!
Quick! Send this to TheStar and win $50!


Monday, December 17, 2007

Superman that HOE@@@222twtowtwo22@2

This is a part of the lyric from the song Crank Dat from Soulja Boys. (No embed version)

Superman that HOE!@@@

It hoes your wallet -_-

Sunday, December 16, 2007

1337 <3r341 / Leet cereal

Just look at this blog.
I will post in 1337 for some purpose.

7#15 15 50m3 c3r341 p1<7ur3>

1337 c3r341 101!!!1111oenone11!1
17 r34d5 : 0v3rcl0ck yuor br3akfast!!1111!!
M4d3 w/
a shiatload of SUG4R!!!!!11!
R0X0R OMG!!!111


EAT L33T!!!

7#15 15 73# funn1357 7#1n9 1 3v3r 54w.
w17# 73# 4zn f4c3 4nd 73# 80w1 0f 1111111111111111111 15 funny.

Friday, December 14, 2007

My first blog-homecoming post!

Well I am back!!1111111111oneoneon11!!1one
I just received a post from my Singapore friend.
She sent me a calender.
She said that she sent last Friday, 8th December and she even said that non-Singapore takes 2 weeks to receive. I just waited for few days! I received on the 14th! I came back fetching Ah Chia with my bro to my crib and there it was in the post box!

Luckily, the stupid postman didn't fold my stuff cause it has no more space to even hit a finger inside! My bro was always complaining about his ACCA stuffs posted by mail to him was FOLDED even they wrote there a big DO NOT FOLD there.

The envelope
It's by AIR MAIL and with an exclusive stamp from Singapore (as said by my friend)

The calender I got.
It reads MapleStory~ Bootes and Evolutionzz

No wonder she was asking me rather I love pets or horoscopes...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Hi guys I'm back!

I can see that my Profil3 blog isn't having any business there.
So I shall change this blog to a 1337 741k-only.
1 5#411 n40 7yp3 1n 1337 741k!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Blog Move-away~

Well as the title said, I am moving away my blog.
Just to inform you guys by the way.

My Blog

Goodbye blogger for such service!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

J00 kn40 h0w t0 t41k 1337?

As what I typed, it is in 1337, which is LEET

In this lesson, I will teach you leet language.

Take a look at this : -

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Laughed whole day!

n40 f0r 3xpl41n1n9 :

b4n0x3rds = banning

j00 = you

bypass = some hacking stuff

h4x = hack

f145hdr41v = flashdrive

n00b = everyone knows what it means...

CRC bypass = hacking stuff

teh = the

dHTTPd =hacking stuff

CC = change channel

aktivait = activate

b5p455 = bypass

h4x0rz = hackers

ce = see

nao = now

f4m0u5 = famous

lvl = level (-_-)

GG = game guard

GM = game master

gudmode = godmode

zak = zakum

*Those !!!!1111111111111111oneoneone is those NOOBS talking without shift, and we pros add oneoneone there

Now to relax your mind

Monday, May 28, 2007

Guild Cafe - MMORPG Quiz!

Based on your answers, you are EASK.
Breakdown: Achiever 60.00%, Explorer 66.67%, Killer 13.33%, Socializer 60.00%

players often live by the phrase 'The journey is often more enjoyable than the destination.' They are motivated by meeting the challenges of the world, but they are usually in no rush--because seeing the creatures and places of the world is even more fun.

Take the quiz yourself!

Monday, May 21, 2007

The Singapore Trip!

Day one

The first day. Packed stuffs, ready to go! I sleep a bit only. Valy sad to me. Later at bus cannot sleep.

Teh luggageszzz0rcoptr

I only ate an egg tart then pack stuffs and ready to go! In the bus, everyone is sleepzorcoptr except me.

How sweet~

However as we reach, we checked in to the hotel and then straight away went to shop! First night was lame.

Day two

Woke up at 7+ and went down for buffet breakfast. That was not that great. I was sleepy. So when we went back to the hotel I slept till 10+. The first mall to enter and took photos is the one beside the Peugeot Motorshow 2007.

A picture of the most expensive cosmetic items appeared.
Be amazed. There is a few of this in Orchard Road.

Anyways, when we walked to the 2nd floor, I saw a restaurant with this sculpture outside! I was amazed and what I can say is this :


Believe it or not?

Now do you believe me?

We then go to the food court or something to have lunch. I ordered a drink and yet it is out of stock, so I drunk this!

Rotating problem. Anyways it is very unique.

After eating we went up and at the center of the mall I saw this magical vision through my eyes.

Guess what is it.

Take the answer and leave me alone so I can adore the car!

Zomg ownagecopter!


A true love at first sight.

Lamborghini Germany?

Nothing much then. Went back, had a raw lobster tail as dinner and then we slept.

Day three

Breakfast again, then me and my big sis walked out for a warm morning. There is a foreigner jogging on Orchard Road O_O.
Then we went to the mail box to send post cards. Look at the box!

I know I very matching with the box color.

Qi Pao lady is a staff in the hotel O_O

Later on, went back to the hotel again, took a nap then some friend of my mom took us to their apartment to put our luggages. That apartment was not that bad!

The parking lot's cars...

Mitsubishi dont know what model


Another love

We went to Bugis Junction then. A mall that we entered has a lot of ads. We went to buy an iPod Nano for my bro(Konde Singh) and sis for sharing. Authorised Apple seller. I saw the latest Mac mouse!

No buttons. Just touch sensitivity

Went back to the apartment after a long day of shopping spreezzzzorcopter.... Guess the television size and thickness.

Even I myself dont know!

Okay... It is a plasma television

We ate dinner there at the apartment and then it is time to back to Ipoh.... The bus was not that comfortable for me. It is quite shaky.

I cannot believe I watch an OVA of Pokemon from the year 2001 from this mini-vision

The controller



Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Before the 3 days 2 night trip.....

To Singapore!

Wah.... My first time you know! Early morning at 6.30 wake up make passport... 9 hours trip!
Pictures to be posted next time XD

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Eh.... Welcome to my bloggy?

My 1st ever post for a blog, so I am a nooby at bloggerzzzorcoptr.
What to post, what to post?

A lot of photos to post, next time XD

By the way,
Exams are finally over!
I got through hell!