Friday, December 31, 2010

Near/after SPM.

SPM year. Done.

No laaaaaaa LOL.

I did quite a lot of memorable things before and after. I dismantled a laptop. The HP dv2. The design’s impracticality screws the graphic card. In other words it actually un-soldered the graphic card itself.

So I got this on my desk and told me to do something about it.


Soldering by hair dryer. Failed. I have no special tools.

My niece. She’s a fast learner.


Somehow her expression in this photo looks like Antoinne Dodson. He’s climbing up yo window!

I got into a slightly different direction with photography. That’s by using phone.

C360_2010-12-16 14-44-13

Waiting for my mom while I’m in the car, got bored and took the photo =D

Got into a real bad food poisoning. Damn. Was on the day of Chemistry paper.

Somehow my aunt’s shop’s phone guy (right beside) asked if I could take up a phone to install Chinese language pack on it. To my surprise it was a HTC Touch.

C360_2010-12-21 03-44-01

Exactly the same. HTC Touch Elfin version.

Driving in the rain is not fun.

C360_2010-12-24 16-13-15

Raindrops is distracting for the first few minutes.

I was surprised when I saw this.

C360_2010-12-24 03-13-20

There was one that looked the same last year. I have the photo, but it’ll take some time to dig that out.

Later – Good bye 2010.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Super Meat Boy!

YES It’s Super Meat Boy! This game is hard as heck, even a chapter is called Hell in this game. I guess a couple of pictures won’t spoil the gameplay right? Still, spoiler alert!

Somehow I enjoy indie games much these days. I found that Black Ops is rather boring. Go out there, shoot few dudes, get surrounded, shoot more and level complete! Rinse and repeat for about… 12 times? I don’t know, I haven’t even finished the game yet.

Getting started.


Looks lame? Think again.

For the introduction, you are a boy made out of meat (I don’t know how to put that) and you have a girlfriend called Bandage Girl. She loves you and you love her, typical story. Then there’s Dr.Fetus who is jealous of Meat Boy because he’s forever alone and nobody likes him. So he beat you up and kidnaps your girlfriend away. You just have to save your girlfriend.

Gameplay is rather simple. It’s a platform jumping game. The challenge comes when it’s filled with chainsaws, instant death spots, super long jump, etc. just made the elements of surprise being present at all times.

There are multiple characters which some need to be unlocked via Warp Zones that could be found throughout the game or just plainly collecting bandages. Each character have their own special attribute. Meat Boy has speed.

You play on “light side” which is necessary to have 17 out of 20 levels to be completed per world to get to the next world. There is this optional time-critical objective that gets you a Grade A for each level. When you do achieve it, you’ll get to play the “dark side” of the world which is very much harder and complicated.

SuperMeatBoy 2010-12-25 18-26-16-98

This is from a level in the world “Hell”, light side.

It might look impossible, but as I said the game’s mechanism is made just right. You CAN beat the game with only Meat Boy alone. The jumping length/duration, the time needed/taken/required are all made and meant for Meat Boy alone. Other characters can still beat the game, but might be harder, impossible or prohibited on some levels, such as boss levels.

SuperMeatBoy 2010-12-25 23-05-10-95

The level looks impossible, but you can beat the game. No problem on that.

SuperMeatBoy 2010-12-25 23-20-11-57

Some jumps just look ridiculous, but yes you can pass the chainsaws.

As this game really requires faith in what you can do, it does test on your skills too.

SuperMeatBoy 2010-12-25 23-52-40-54

The jump is possible, just leap away from the building and stick back to the building above the chainsaw. Not impossible.

SuperMeatBoy 2010-12-26 00-09-19-00

There are enemies too. Those white slugs are just constantly moving blobs. That red face though, chases to eat you alive. Dropping into those white things will cause death too =(

Time to show off some impossible jumps of the game.

SuperMeatBoy 2010-12-26 00-13-01-30

You need to leap through the gap between the chainsaws from the left wall to the right wall to get up. This is on the dark side of the first world.

SuperMeatBoy 2010-12-26 00-55-07-51

Rotating chainsaws. Just get to the opposite side. This is also the dark side of the first world.

After playing this game for hours, I’ll have to vote this game the hardest game. Seriously.


Don’t mind this anyway.

Someone made a comic which I think it’s true. I don’t know how many times I died in the game. Perhaps 600?? I guess it’s more than that.


It speaks the truth.

Did I mention that this game is a game of faith? Have trust in yourself that you can make it through the impossibilities, and eventually you will. I got past majority part of the game and I'm enjoying it. I barely got through half of Black Ops. Seriously.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas 2010

christmas 2010

Last minute, yeah, I’m bad with details. View it in original size Open-mouthed smile

Enjoy and share!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cooler Master and Choiix

Yeah. They’re both great. I got another package from Cooler Master/Choiix.

C360_2010-12-01 18-19-33I got the Power Fort 10Wh!

C360_2010-12-21 01-35-56This thing is awesome!

Then there's the USNA-95. It's a power brick for your laptop. Simple enough.

C360_2010-12-21 01-37-50

Box of the Cooler Master USNA-95.

The fact that it packs 9 different tips for most major brands (except the Apple Macintosh, MagSafe is patented), has an included slightly stretchable yet large carrying pouch and a cable clip. This thing is much smaller than any other laptop power bricks. Those are like a size of a brick but this is just like a larger iPhone. In medium load out gets up to 90% efficiency. Totally awesome and green. It has a discrete USB port to charge your devices too. I'm gonna do an unboxing video on this babe.

C360_2010-12-21 01-37-10

This thing is small!

The Power Fort already made my problems with phone batteries a breeze and now the USNA-95 would make traveling so much easier. I'll use this for sure when I got my own laptop =D

By the way, I also got a t-shirt from them. Love the shirt!

Camera 360

Yes, I love all of these three here.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's back...

The HP tx1000. Known laptop for its problem on the graphic card that goes loose on its self.
I have one lying on my table... R.I.P.
By the way, I'm blogging this on my phone.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.4

Monday, October 18, 2010


It's just awesome how Google's cloud computing services are free, and only supported by ads. Now with Android, they earn through the Market, like Apple does.Studies shown that Apple App Store has about 20% of free apps, whereas Google Android Market has about 60% of free apps. I can't deny the fact, even Angry Birds is free for its first final build for Android.

Angry Birds. Now on Android. Just so awesome.

Oh I'm back to Mac OS X again. Might be temporary. And there's Mac OS X 10.7 coming out, possibly the Lion.

Mac OS 10.7 codename Lion?

Just read The Power. Great book. Strangest time is that I read the book when I sleep with this thing.

It's just a piece of clear plastic with light coming out from the side. Simple yet effective.

Gabby had been learning a lot. Now she wants to be carried in the sitting position like so :

I can't really carry her in this way yet.

A little news on the Acer Liquid E. Running on a custom ROM on Android 2.1 Eclair. Super stable, higher sensitivity and also battery conserving. It's good IMO.
Waiting for Android 2.2 FroYo, either official with the Acer Stream UI or just Cyanogen Mod with their awesome tweaks and features =D. Overclocking is also made possible with custom ROMs with custom kernels.

Launcher Pro on 2nd page. 3rd page is my main =P

Custom ROMs are awesome, they have a sorts of tweaks, music mod that enabled gesture controls, faster and much more longer battery life. Cyanogen Mod is the far most impressive one. I used it for a while, downgraded due to stability issues with the camera and GPS, has an option for menu button for unlock, music controls on lock screen, compcache personalization, options if you wanna have your home always in your RAM or not, and much more.

Cyanogen Mod is the far most awesome ROM of all times on Android. A thumbs up, and something worth the recognition.

Review of the phone is coming out real soon =D. I'm really happy that Android has integrated so many functions on Android. Syncing is a breeze, it synced with Facebook, Twitter and also Gmail. By syncing contacts, you can have your display pictures of contacts from Facebook, email and Facebook account information and Twitter name on the particular contact itself, and synced on Gmail. Losing your contacts is not a problem not =D.

Well that's all for now, I might be showing off and promoting Android/Google a lot, but I think that Android is more for my use though. Sorry Apple iPhone. Sorry Windows Phone 7 that doesn't have copy and paste feature and launching apps that takes few minutes each.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

O my niece

After wasting my time reinstalling Windows Live Writer that is a shame in uninstalling, I finally did it and downgraded to a stable version thanks to Handy Uninstaller!

Well a short update here, my niece got shaved bald lol.

P1060896 My mom and the baldie lol.

P1060901 She’s sleepy actually.

P1060904 She slept in like about 5 minutes after lol.

P1060912 She head is really clear!

Phones, phone, phones. They come and go everyday, even the one you’re using (yes iPhones and Androids too). Whatever that is, there’s always one phone that has the biggest bang for your bucks based on your own personal choice.

I found mine and got it.

P1060946Acer Liquid E.

I actually wanted to do a full review on this, but my allocated time was consumed just to fix this Live Writer. Anyway I’ll try to go through more with the phone first before reviewing. Till now, I love it!

By the way, Windows Phone 7 does not support Internet tethering, clipboard and true multitasking.

Seriously? Both Android and iPhone had it long ago.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What’s this?

Holidays are coming to an end. Should I be grateful? Maybe, I’m already losing part of myself just sitting around. Got a few tasks to do after the holidays back at school for homeboys.

As always, I’m quite lazy to post updates these days. Feels so demotivated.

P1060733Got a flash drive for my aunt. It looks stylish and awesome!

Jailbroken my cousin brother’s iPhone 3G S. It’s a second hand phone, using iOS 4.0.2 which only fixed the PDF exploit back at iOS 4.0.1.

P1060736Downgraded, jailbroken, patched the exploit and used it for few hours. Still, my heart isn’t for the iPhone.


P1060739It fits!

Then I cleaned my rig. Finally, after 9 months!

P1060746Dust smiled at me Disappointed smile

P1060748Sunbeam Core-Contact Freezer. So much clogging that it chokes.

P1060753One swipe over each fin and this is what I get.

Went KL for a day on Tuesday. Didn’t really enjoy it much though.

P1060806Had a good meal at Subway in Sunway Pyramid.

On the next day, friends came over. I was so tired that I barely remembered what happened. Like I was on drugs.

P1060823Yung Wei gets high on Coke – noted!

Then there are forbidden pictures that I can’t upload and a lot of pictures taken on Yung Wei’s. Check out Facebook for a few uploaded ones!

P1060889Got to play with Seng Foo’s Optimus Prime helmet. Comes with autotune =D

Took care of Gabby till 3 in the morning with her parents. That was tiring Confused smile

P1060868Even my mom came and helped.

Not much update here. I hope to bring more joy in blogging again some time sooner. Disappointed smile

Till next time then! Enjoy yourselves and don’t let anything hold you back.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Holidays~ Selamat Hari Raya!

Yes, Hari Raya is today actually. Well I bet some of you are bored. There’s quite a few updates recently.

Firstly, I got my driving license *at last!*. I’m still a coward Disappointed smile. I don’t dare to drive out yet. Well, getting my license means I can wake up late on Sunday mornings again, don’t have to go round that 3 roads that I keep forgetting the way and my instructor’s complaints and words that he speaks so softly even his own tongue can’t hear (if it has ears).

P1060618What a day to have your driving test.

Then there’s my niece. The more I see her, the chubbier she gets. Seriously.

DSC_0899 refinedPictures I took with my cousin’s D60 with macro and UV filter.

DSC_0903 refinedLarge eyes Surprised smile

These were taken last week, this is today.

P1060705Her outfit doesn’t really fit her anymore Disappointed smile

Went KL and back two weeks ago, here’s a picture of Rakuzen’s sushi Smile with tongue out. Full album on my Facebook Open-mouthed smile.

DSC_1228 refinedFried prawns, my favourite.

At the beginning of the month, Apple got a keynote on their music player/gadgets, namely the iPod family and iTunes.

Firstly I’d like to say R.I.P. to the Click Wheel, and I wonder how you want to scroll through songs on the new iPod Nano.

Now, I present the iTunes 10.

itunes 10All with album art Open-mouthed smile

The new iTunes 10 actually tops off with unexpected tidbits that I think is useful for most of us. Just click on the album art at the lower left side and you’ll get this.

itunes 10 new playerWhat else would you get? The album art of course!

The album art itself is now a mini player instead of just the album art in iTunes 9.

itunes player 2Cool?

Size might be randomly unfavourable for most of us, so you can actually do this.

itunes player 3Why are you so great?

Well, before I end this post I would like to announce the death of the HTC Touch Elfin I’d been using for about 7 or 8 months now. The battery got pregnant and it’s nowhere to be found in retail shops, asked the official HTC group on Facebook without reply yet.

Next phone I’m getting will not be a Windows Mobile phone for sure. Totally the worse experience of phones is with WinMo. It lags very much, consumes battery like a great white shark.

I’m aiming on the Acer Liquid E actually. The phone is totally a kickass one with the price, but is still expensive for me. I’m using a Sony Ericsson w800 while waiting for the price of this babe to drop since it was only released on August.

Acer Liquid EThe more I see, the more I love this phone.