Wednesday, September 29, 2010

O my niece

After wasting my time reinstalling Windows Live Writer that is a shame in uninstalling, I finally did it and downgraded to a stable version thanks to Handy Uninstaller!

Well a short update here, my niece got shaved bald lol.

P1060896 My mom and the baldie lol.

P1060901 She’s sleepy actually.

P1060904 She slept in like about 5 minutes after lol.

P1060912 She head is really clear!

Phones, phone, phones. They come and go everyday, even the one you’re using (yes iPhones and Androids too). Whatever that is, there’s always one phone that has the biggest bang for your bucks based on your own personal choice.

I found mine and got it.

P1060946Acer Liquid E.

I actually wanted to do a full review on this, but my allocated time was consumed just to fix this Live Writer. Anyway I’ll try to go through more with the phone first before reviewing. Till now, I love it!

By the way, Windows Phone 7 does not support Internet tethering, clipboard and true multitasking.

Seriously? Both Android and iPhone had it long ago.

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