Sunday, July 25, 2010

What a turn

P/S : I’m removing watermarks on the pictures I uploaded since all are now in 640px x 480px and no funky reflection for the thumbnails because it uploads 2 of the same pictures for the effect and filled my Picasa -_-

First off, I’m now officially an uncle. Yeah, I’m old and this is awkward =|. Anyway the blogging has to continue! My cousin came over with his Macbook Pro with a pink Speck.

P1050851 refined My cousin’s Macbook Pro.

Went to Parkson today and there is this new shop called ITWorld. It’s more like a copy of Machines (KL’s Mac retail shop). Went in and there’s a Macbook White. That was the first time I saw a Macbook White. I realized that it has more curves on the White instead of the Pro, but less power and more dust collection on the White too.

Then comes a jewelry box from my mom.

P1050888 refined Yes, the gayness, I know.

Well at first when my mom handed it over to me, I denied her offer but hesitated for a moment and took my words back. I had ideas that even I facepalmed.

P1050876 refined Yeah I traded the Zen my elder sister gave me with the 2nd generation iPod Touch with 2GB. Worth the trade thanks to iTunes’s features that works only on an Apple product.

As for the jewelry box, it just couldn’t get gayer than this.

P1050889 refined Shining and reflective yet with flower texture.

Got Howard’s Vaio flashdrives that he got from China.

P1050964 refined “They both worked fine for a month, and after that it went haywire” – Howard. Tried my best to save it, and still saving.

I tested Chromium OS! Somehow the whole OS is really really lightweight and it’s really just the Chrome browser interface itself.

P106000 refined7 There. I don’t know how to print screen on Chromium and it was running on a flash drive

The other day at Parkson when I had lunch with my mom, there’s these weird products being displayed at the tea shop.

P1060023 refined “Coral” – Fish

P1060025 refined “Why so ugly???” – Elder sister

A jacket from HP ended up on my mom’s hand which belongs to her friend.. That jacket has the best quality for Winter.

P1060068 refined HP.

My elder sister came back from KL due to homesick (I think) and I jailbroke her iPhone 3G to iOS 4.0.1. Everything worked out fine and she says it’s faster and more energy efficient too.

P1060083 Restored the downloaded iOS 4.0.1 and used redsn0w to get the jail broken.

P1060085 Don’t ask. Just let it be.

P1060087 refined And a smooth process it was.

Here comes baby Gab, my niece.

P1060102 refined She cute if she doesn’t annoy me. LOL

And this isn’t the view I was going to expect at my sister-in-law’s ward.

P1060071 refined A view of rooftops~

This time for real, I won’t be updating till August. Also, I saw a lot of people using Tumblr now for a photo blog. I’m really considering this. Blogger is really giving headaches sometimes.

P1060092 refined And always remember to be happy~

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