Wednesday, September 29, 2010

O my niece

After wasting my time reinstalling Windows Live Writer that is a shame in uninstalling, I finally did it and downgraded to a stable version thanks to Handy Uninstaller!

Well a short update here, my niece got shaved bald lol.

P1060896 My mom and the baldie lol.

P1060901 She’s sleepy actually.

P1060904 She slept in like about 5 minutes after lol.

P1060912 She head is really clear!

Phones, phone, phones. They come and go everyday, even the one you’re using (yes iPhones and Androids too). Whatever that is, there’s always one phone that has the biggest bang for your bucks based on your own personal choice.

I found mine and got it.

P1060946Acer Liquid E.

I actually wanted to do a full review on this, but my allocated time was consumed just to fix this Live Writer. Anyway I’ll try to go through more with the phone first before reviewing. Till now, I love it!

By the way, Windows Phone 7 does not support Internet tethering, clipboard and true multitasking.

Seriously? Both Android and iPhone had it long ago.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What’s this?

Holidays are coming to an end. Should I be grateful? Maybe, I’m already losing part of myself just sitting around. Got a few tasks to do after the holidays back at school for homeboys.

As always, I’m quite lazy to post updates these days. Feels so demotivated.

P1060733Got a flash drive for my aunt. It looks stylish and awesome!

Jailbroken my cousin brother’s iPhone 3G S. It’s a second hand phone, using iOS 4.0.2 which only fixed the PDF exploit back at iOS 4.0.1.

P1060736Downgraded, jailbroken, patched the exploit and used it for few hours. Still, my heart isn’t for the iPhone.


P1060739It fits!

Then I cleaned my rig. Finally, after 9 months!

P1060746Dust smiled at me Disappointed smile

P1060748Sunbeam Core-Contact Freezer. So much clogging that it chokes.

P1060753One swipe over each fin and this is what I get.

Went KL for a day on Tuesday. Didn’t really enjoy it much though.

P1060806Had a good meal at Subway in Sunway Pyramid.

On the next day, friends came over. I was so tired that I barely remembered what happened. Like I was on drugs.

P1060823Yung Wei gets high on Coke – noted!

Then there are forbidden pictures that I can’t upload and a lot of pictures taken on Yung Wei’s. Check out Facebook for a few uploaded ones!

P1060889Got to play with Seng Foo’s Optimus Prime helmet. Comes with autotune =D

Took care of Gabby till 3 in the morning with her parents. That was tiring Confused smile

P1060868Even my mom came and helped.

Not much update here. I hope to bring more joy in blogging again some time sooner. Disappointed smile

Till next time then! Enjoy yourselves and don’t let anything hold you back.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Holidays~ Selamat Hari Raya!

Yes, Hari Raya is today actually. Well I bet some of you are bored. There’s quite a few updates recently.

Firstly, I got my driving license *at last!*. I’m still a coward Disappointed smile. I don’t dare to drive out yet. Well, getting my license means I can wake up late on Sunday mornings again, don’t have to go round that 3 roads that I keep forgetting the way and my instructor’s complaints and words that he speaks so softly even his own tongue can’t hear (if it has ears).

P1060618What a day to have your driving test.

Then there’s my niece. The more I see her, the chubbier she gets. Seriously.

DSC_0899 refinedPictures I took with my cousin’s D60 with macro and UV filter.

DSC_0903 refinedLarge eyes Surprised smile

These were taken last week, this is today.

P1060705Her outfit doesn’t really fit her anymore Disappointed smile

Went KL and back two weeks ago, here’s a picture of Rakuzen’s sushi Smile with tongue out. Full album on my Facebook Open-mouthed smile.

DSC_1228 refinedFried prawns, my favourite.

At the beginning of the month, Apple got a keynote on their music player/gadgets, namely the iPod family and iTunes.

Firstly I’d like to say R.I.P. to the Click Wheel, and I wonder how you want to scroll through songs on the new iPod Nano.

Now, I present the iTunes 10.

itunes 10All with album art Open-mouthed smile

The new iTunes 10 actually tops off with unexpected tidbits that I think is useful for most of us. Just click on the album art at the lower left side and you’ll get this.

itunes 10 new playerWhat else would you get? The album art of course!

The album art itself is now a mini player instead of just the album art in iTunes 9.

itunes player 2Cool?

Size might be randomly unfavourable for most of us, so you can actually do this.

itunes player 3Why are you so great?

Well, before I end this post I would like to announce the death of the HTC Touch Elfin I’d been using for about 7 or 8 months now. The battery got pregnant and it’s nowhere to be found in retail shops, asked the official HTC group on Facebook without reply yet.

Next phone I’m getting will not be a Windows Mobile phone for sure. Totally the worse experience of phones is with WinMo. It lags very much, consumes battery like a great white shark.

I’m aiming on the Acer Liquid E actually. The phone is totally a kickass one with the price, but is still expensive for me. I’m using a Sony Ericsson w800 while waiting for the price of this babe to drop since it was only released on August.

Acer Liquid EThe more I see, the more I love this phone.