Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Holidays coming to an end~

Semester break and I have 3 weeks break. Now I only have about 4 days left. I'm actually looking forward to the next semester to be honest, I'm just bored these days during the break. What can I say... Ipoh is boring. Got into learning Java a little for Android programming with 200 videos for tutorials. Interesting yet frustrating because I've yet to master it. Love it though.

Bought another Android figurine, this time it's the vanilla cupcake. Specifically bought this because of the smell! It makes me high on drugs.
Just smells SO nice!
Really got into instrumental music, remixes and even classical. A song by Luciano Michelini called Frolic is soothing yet catchy. Love it!

Holidays are really bored and I did write another song... this time it's about how people tend to search for a group that they are meant for, but the journey is pointless because the answer is right in front of us all the time.

Then I realise that every song I wrote is more from my personal life experiences and my philosophy. Interesting way to learn about myself because I wrote what I was thinking but without my knowing. And they all don't have a title name.

I did wrote more than 2 though, just don't really want to post it here.
To be honest I never cared about what people think about it or how people will react to it. I just wrote and did what I feel like doing.
Haters gonna hate, but I'm not giving the slightest care.
And I'm getting a hang of this new Blogger layout!

Till next time!

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