Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Wow, I can't believe these few days. Mid terms are coming soon yet I found all sorts of weird songs. Firstly I found Adya.
Most of you don't know who or what Adya is. The founder of project Adya is Adriaan Van Landschoot. He is the Radio Atlantis.

So what is project Adya? Quoted from their own YouTube biography
dancefloor-ready classical crossover specializes in retooling classical masterpieces into radio-ready modern pop songs
The name?
derived from an amalgamation Adrian and Yasmin, the names of Landschoot's children
 A lot of songs from them are really familiar, especially Carmen, which Habanera is the real name. That is brought to what we know now through an opera play called Carmen, which tells a story of a girl who loves a rich guy. The song Habanera was used in the song when she grieved about this situation~

Very interesting indeed. I get to learn classical music through modern mixes!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

To my dearest headphone - SteelSeries 5Hv2

My dearest headphone.
My dearest
SteelSeries 5Hv2.

When I first got into the selection between a HDD dock and you, I was skeptical about you.In the end I chose you instead.Indeed my choice is now with no regrets.

It was weird how at first you were no use for me.
It was weird how much
dust had settled on you.

When I got to the time of playing Call Of Duty : Modern Warfare, I got an epiphany.
When I got to the time with you wrapping on my head, covering my ears with your soft buds, I
felt different.

You were then a gaming peripheral.
You are now
more than a gaming peripheral.
Perhaps even a microphone.

I love the way you look.
I love the way you
split into 3 parts.
I love the way you sound.
I love your
5 speakers.

Enough with the cheesy poem-like thingy going on. I just played and finished MW3 about few hours ago using my dearest 5Hv2 and it felt like it's renewing the experience all over again. Playing on a 2.1 is just, meh.  On this little 5Hv2, the experience offered is immersive!

Since this is a short post, off to the pictures!

Yupe, I camwhore my headphone.

Monday, November 7, 2011

284th - Knowing myself further - the religious explanation

November 6th - day started off lazy, woke up near the afternoon (I take 12pm as the separation XD)

Progressed as usual... skipped breakfast, got lunch and went out (typical day in Ipoh for me). Went shopping with my younger sister, my mom and my aunt. I always go shopping with girls~ You can call me a fashion adviser I guess XD

Went to the boutiques at Ipoh Garden East to look at dresses for my eldest sister's wedding... saw a lot of weirdly designed clothing, some are nice and some are distinctive. Loved what I saw.

Shopping proceeded until we went into a rather new-looking boutique that requires us to take off our shoe.

Huh????? Okay...

Once I got in the store, there's a set of Alice In Wonderland-like chairs. Instantly sat on one. Can't resist! Sat there, Facebooked a little and then my aunt met someone there, had an extensive chat about other people which I overheard (I have sensitive ears).

My aunt's friend looks like she's in her 60's, knowledgeable and a very soft-going person. I just sat and smiled.

After a long chat, as the friend said she had to be going... they parted ways... but still in the same boutique.

As we made to the exit, the friend was still there and they talked again, this time with my mom along. Was not surprised on how my mom knew her though.

Then the question of how both my mom and my aunt knew her was answered.

It was related to me.

Turned out she's a heavily religious person who my mom brought me to her for consultation for a cure for this sexily intensifying leg of mine. If you do follow my posts then I assume you already knew that I have a leg problem, making me semi-handicap.

The chat goes on like this :

Mom : Oh you remember me?
Friend : .......?
Mom : I brought my son to you for consultation. The one who has leg problem and I told you there is one line on the left side of the scalp when the hair is short enough.
Friend : Oh I remember you! How is he doing with the leg?
Mom : Fine, studying in a university now. Had a surgery not long ago.
Friend : Oh, I guess that didn't cure?
Mom : Nope, didn't cure at all. Remember that you also referred him as the reincarnation of an emperor who chopped down a lot of people's leg and then got killed by the stroke on the head and reborn with the leg problem as karma? Also the kid who has 3 crowns (the spiral thing on the head/hair)
Me : *I wasn't surprised, I knew about this*
Friend : Yes, I remember. Did you go to the monk in Australia who I said that might be able to help him?
Me : *Confused, not knowing anything about this*
Mom : Nope. He does sometimes sit like an emperor though.
Sister : YES!
Friend : Oh, I guess that adds more validity to the reincarnation theory then.
Me : *WTF!*
Aunt : So I think we'll be going now. Bye!
*Leaves store*
Me : Do I really sit like an emperor sometimes?
Mom : Yes.
Sister : Definitely.

Turned out they say I sit like this frequently.
I definitely need confirmation on this. The next time anyone sees sitting this way... do tell.

Physically I'm not aware at all. I do need some confirmation these.

To all my friends who still visits this page - please do tell me when I do this~

Ongoing writing on this blog does somehow rediscovered myself.

But anyway, I'm not a religious person so all these are a little absurd to me. Whichever it is, I have no choice but to believe it in the religious explanation to my leg.
I've been coping with this leg since young, I don't see why I can't cope even further~

My philosophy of my leg is totally different, though constantly shaking.

If you are reading this, please do tell me when I sit like an emperor.
Guess I'll be living up the word "like a boss" now~
Like an emperor~

Till next time~
Kok Kee signing off.

Yo dawg, I heard you like to blog so now you can blog while you blog.

Blog, let's talk.
It's been a while since I last reflecting on some things.

Personal online blogs vs. diaries.
Era wise and technical-wise.

Back in the days diaries are plain words and pictures. These days... it's more complicated.
Back in the days diaries are something very private and not mean to be read by others. These days... it's an open diary. Anyone who found it, can read it.
Back in the days what we wrote was never judged. These days... what gets most of us running an open diary is feedback.
Back in the days writing our predicament on a piece of paper doesn't solve anything. These days... the feedback obtained is sometimes good and bad.
Back in the days we don't want anyone to pay attention on our diaries. These days... we even have "best blog" award.

I obviously state this bipolar statement as blogging does have its good and bad compared to diaries...
To elaborate , let's go deeper~ (Inception lol~)

1.Back in the days diaries are plain words and pictures. These days... it's more complicated.

No matter how much people would prefer traditional diary writing, it does affect on some of the issues you would like to share and to receive feedback.

2.Back in the days diaries are something very private and not mean to be read by others. These days... it's an open diary. Anyone who found it, can read it.

This is either good or bad, depending on your own judgment~ For me I think it's good if only my close friends come and visit. If you publicly found this then good job finding it. You'll never find anything interesting here XD. I can pour more private things into the blogosphere, yet remain anonymous among most of the people I know~

3.Back in the days what we wrote was never judged. These days... what gets most of us running an open diary is feedback.

Not having judgments at all really makes us unconscious about our writing style. Take it this way - writing in an open space for a very small audience with feedback enables 2 way communication. Makes it more interactive and able to improve our language.

4.Back in the days writing our predicament on a piece of paper doesn't solve anything. These days... the feedback obtained is sometimes good and bad.

How do I put this... there are flamers and supporters. Flamers swarm around the internet a lot, so be prepared at all times. Supporters are rare, but they sure do motivate you to continue. Mostly are friends, your true friends.

5.Back in the days we don't want anyone to pay attention on our diaries. These days... we even have "best blog" award.

This is the mind-boggling thing. Best blog award is like... the best diary award. Sharing your darkest secrets to the whole world is not a good idea, but of course releasing your darkest secrets somewhere is to release your mind from its prison... I guess you'll have to filter out a lot of things in order to obtain the best blog award? That won't be a diary at all.

That's my 2 cents on a comparison on the traditional diary and the present blogs~
I did this because the number of activity on blogs are REALLY low, especially when I saw the difference from 2 years ago and now. Just 2 years.

It's sad. Blogs are much more full-fledged in posts. Twitter is a mini-blogging service, Facebook is a .... very mixed and confused place, can't integrate exactly which media you want to include in.

Until next time.
Kok Kee signing out~

Friday, November 4, 2011

281th post

When you're having some inconvenient spare time... the time that you have to spare but you can't do anything else as you're locked down in some situation? For example is when you're stuck in a conference which you have no relation with but you are FORCED to attend.
Then it struck you, boredom is there, you have your phone. You go Facebook with it.

You realise that it's boring. You sit there, relaxing. You then realise that your boredom is because of your brain is in active state. 

While relaxing... you start to think of random things, often brainstorming with very good ideas in such state (at least for me XD)

For me... while I was driving today I thought of something while realising my legs are controlling the throttle and break. I'm your typical-looking  guy from Ipoh, studying in MMU Cyberjaya now. Underneath that is thicker than all the holy bibles combined.

First to start off is that I do have leg problem. I admit. No way whining about that though I do always ask WHY ME a lot of times. If god does exist, is he implying karma on me? Is he saying that "Oh, there is a fixed number of people with certain specific disabilities, I think you can handle this well" and gave this to me? If not, still, WHY?

Thinking back I've been living in this state for already 18 years, 7 months and 28 days. Getting discriminated is already in my 'to be expected' list. I'm just happy that the worst part of my history never repeat itself in MMU.

I've been handling these questions well though it still dwells upon me.
Am I a handicap or not? - I am already in the grey area, I can take advantage of both sides. And I'm not that evil to do so, that's why I consider myself not a handicap.
I do feel sudden pain sometimes and I hope to have a wheelchair. - Many therapists say I can handle pain very well. Maybe of the passive pain of the leg that I'm already immune to?

All these questions~ They keep coming~
I did have one of these "sessions" earlier and I found the most understanding to be Michael. He's the only one that I think can understand and will be able to provide a proper answer. I told him and he said "take this as a test as something that will keep you moving on."

Firstly I'm happy that someone actually listened to me instead of me listening back. As since Form 4, I've been known as "the motivator". Not actually remembering why but now I do know that everyone needs to be heard sometimes.

Don't worry, I've been living in this condition for so long I'm sure I can survive in the years ahead. =)

That aside, the funniest part is now people always say that I'm gay with Michael. Please stop your childlike mentality. Being close to a person with the same gender doesn't make you gay. In fact I don't mind if I'm close with a homosexual. They're still humans. I am one too.

Being open minded really do solve a lot of conflicts in the world.

Till next time.