Monday, November 7, 2011

Yo dawg, I heard you like to blog so now you can blog while you blog.

Blog, let's talk.
It's been a while since I last reflecting on some things.

Personal online blogs vs. diaries.
Era wise and technical-wise.

Back in the days diaries are plain words and pictures. These days... it's more complicated.
Back in the days diaries are something very private and not mean to be read by others. These days... it's an open diary. Anyone who found it, can read it.
Back in the days what we wrote was never judged. These days... what gets most of us running an open diary is feedback.
Back in the days writing our predicament on a piece of paper doesn't solve anything. These days... the feedback obtained is sometimes good and bad.
Back in the days we don't want anyone to pay attention on our diaries. These days... we even have "best blog" award.

I obviously state this bipolar statement as blogging does have its good and bad compared to diaries...
To elaborate , let's go deeper~ (Inception lol~)

1.Back in the days diaries are plain words and pictures. These days... it's more complicated.

No matter how much people would prefer traditional diary writing, it does affect on some of the issues you would like to share and to receive feedback.

2.Back in the days diaries are something very private and not mean to be read by others. These days... it's an open diary. Anyone who found it, can read it.

This is either good or bad, depending on your own judgment~ For me I think it's good if only my close friends come and visit. If you publicly found this then good job finding it. You'll never find anything interesting here XD. I can pour more private things into the blogosphere, yet remain anonymous among most of the people I know~

3.Back in the days what we wrote was never judged. These days... what gets most of us running an open diary is feedback.

Not having judgments at all really makes us unconscious about our writing style. Take it this way - writing in an open space for a very small audience with feedback enables 2 way communication. Makes it more interactive and able to improve our language.

4.Back in the days writing our predicament on a piece of paper doesn't solve anything. These days... the feedback obtained is sometimes good and bad.

How do I put this... there are flamers and supporters. Flamers swarm around the internet a lot, so be prepared at all times. Supporters are rare, but they sure do motivate you to continue. Mostly are friends, your true friends.

5.Back in the days we don't want anyone to pay attention on our diaries. These days... we even have "best blog" award.

This is the mind-boggling thing. Best blog award is like... the best diary award. Sharing your darkest secrets to the whole world is not a good idea, but of course releasing your darkest secrets somewhere is to release your mind from its prison... I guess you'll have to filter out a lot of things in order to obtain the best blog award? That won't be a diary at all.

That's my 2 cents on a comparison on the traditional diary and the present blogs~
I did this because the number of activity on blogs are REALLY low, especially when I saw the difference from 2 years ago and now. Just 2 years.

It's sad. Blogs are much more full-fledged in posts. Twitter is a mini-blogging service, Facebook is a .... very mixed and confused place, can't integrate exactly which media you want to include in.

Until next time.
Kok Kee signing out~

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