Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Went out with my mom whole day lol~

So we fetch Nam out with us~

We sat down, have a drink because Nam haven’t had his lunch yet.

We sat down, have a drink and we saw them,


NUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not them! There!! You’re looking the wrong way =\



Please enlarge these photos, anyway, this is Peh, he came with Kaho to watch Transporter 3. They said its a nice movie, I haven’t watch though.


Lol, then we left them eating by themselves <strike> and gaying each other</strike> we left and continue hunting for my mom’s speakers. She still couldn’t find it in Jusco, But I have.

I bought a case fan from them, *cough*FREAKING RM18*cough* will update about it in the next post! XD

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