Sunday, May 31, 2009


Holidays officially started! 2 weeks of relaxing!

Last week was a rush, after the exams I rushed to Kuala Lumpur with my family for my sister’s graduation! Congratulations! She’s an official ACCA graduate now.

We arrived around 3pm, went to The Gardens/Midvalley for a walk while waiting for my sister and my cousin brother. I walked with my brother to Borders and bought the May edition of HWM. Digital cameras review in the water!

After that the time finally comes, dinner! Met up with my sister and my cousin brother, then went to a Taiwanese restaurant in The Gardens. The food was great!


My pharmacist, my sister.


P1012282 Taiwanese restaurant!


P1012294 Some fried food included in the set I ordered. Its very, very, very nice.

Well after that its the end of day 1. When my family and I arrived back home, it was messy. Really messy. We all simply threw those things away and we took out the mattress to be slept on.

P1012297 Where I enjoyed my first night with my family. Slept on the mattress while played with my cousin brother’s laptop.

Instantly I migrated to my cousin brother’s DSLR. A Nikon some-model DSLR. Pictures below are all taken by the DSLR unless stated. =P


    My mom’s aunt’s granddaughter. I don’t know what to call her.

DSC_0538 My sister’s mess in the house. Oh just looking at it gives me a headache!

Well… Practically I fell asleep after that. I was too tired. =P

Day 2 arrived! Wooohooo baby! After the convocation photo-taking session it means lunch and Lowyat Plaza!! Before we went out of the house, I took a very nice picture of my mom.

DSC_0544 =D

DSC_0543 The crib

We went out, got lost, then lost again, went to the same place twice, finally arrived to 1 Utama shopping mall but the connection to the 1 Utama Hotel isn’t open yet. Then, we went out of the parking, circled around the building then went back in. Gaaaaaaaaaaaah what a brag.

Photos taken during the convocation.

Well after that, we went to Lowyat Plaza. Too bad though I never had my digital camera along but just the DSLR. The DSLR was too risky to be taken along so we left it in the car.

I only got a Vizo Starlet 120mm fan.

Unexpectedly, we went to Ooi Jin’s house, my sister’s boyfriend, for tea time. I was like “wow? that was a sudden.” Then we went all the way from Bukit Bintang to Serdang. It was faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar but then when we reached the housing estate, those houses were HUGE! One of the house was like a fortress and my sister told me that there were rumors about the house having a horse inside. Once we arrived to his house, we were invited.

After sitting there for a while, we went out for tea in a restaurant inside the housing estate. Damn the environment was pleasant. After tea though, we went back to the house, walked around in the house, straight to the basement (not even a basement, just down the stairs to the ground floor) and wow, there was a special air-conditioned room for drinking tea only!

DSC_0591 Tea cups were there.



Tea pots!


DSC_0593 Tea leaves!


Tea rack O_O

DSC_0596 Tea master’s table and his apparatus.

Gah, there were so many magnificent things that I’ve not  seen before. The texture, the craving and the details of it. All compiled in perfection!

Check out the photo album below to see all the pictures. The most special one I saw was a tea pot with a Yin Yang craved onto it.


Okaaaaaaaay. Went back to home, had a bath, then went back out again for dinner with Ooi Jin’s family. They were humble and funny. Definitely a great dinner to share with them.

Then, on the next day we had Dim Sum for lunch! Whoaaaa how I love Dim Sum. Pictures below are taken by my digital camera (oh noez!)



My mom’s aunt’s family. They are humble and nice too. Very nice place to have lunch at.



Her family.

After that we went to the Curve. Strange names KL shopping malls have. I went to Cineleisure which is just across the street.

P1012325 The size of it was seriously big. Though only few shops that I’ve walked inside.

P1012324 This shop has Engrish. Found at Cineleisure first floor.



McDonald’s ice-cream kiosk. Damn I wish I had time for one. My mom called so we had to go back to the Curve. After that, we went for some food before we head home to Ipoh. While walking around, we saw the free market at The Curve.

I also saw Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. there.

P1012346 Looks really dark inside. My sister says its really based on the movie.



The free market.

After that we went back home. I slept throughout the journey so… no pictures. Sorry. But I did take a picture within 10 second. It was a rush but I did it.


  IPOH Hollywood style? Rip off.

Well that’s my journey to KL this time. Gotta update more when I have the time to.


P/S : I just reformatted my computer. It seems like this program goes problematic now. I’ll try to fix this.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Game reviews!




Finally a blog post after so long!

Yeah, this is the first time I’m doing a game review blog post. First of all I would thank my uncle for giving me a Sapphire Ultimate HD 3870! Thank you!

Then secondly thanks to him too, he gave me 2 hard disks, both with games, one 80GB and one more 250GB. Here is one game I reviewed, the Price of Persia.



Prince of Persia. Considered Price of Persia 4 though, but its nowhere near the continuation of Prince of Persia 3.

What I would say about the game is, the design and the character drawing, the details, all of it is nice. Except for the game play, it sucked hard. The world design is nice, but the concept is not really good. Very repetitive.

The plot is quite predictable, you found a girl, you travel with her, dark forces attacks you and you tried to stop them, you got the light power to stop them and all those stuff. Then the last part is about the girl sacrificing herself to save the world, but you as an idiot went and chop the seal to save the girl.

There was an epilogue of this game though, the last part of it was about you splitting up with the girl. The dark force was unstoppable. Too bad it wasn’t available in PC version.


The new Prince of Persia. Very detailed.

The other game I played was Mirror’s Edge. Definitely a great game. Greatest ever! If you like action and adrenaline, do play this game. You will NEVER regret it.



Concept art of Mirror’s Edge, Faith punching a SWAT soldier.

The game concept is nice, the design is nice, the world is really simple and nice. This game is best played with anti-alias, since it does have the blind-spot feature in the game.

The plot though, sucks. Its about you, controlling Faith, parkour around and save your sister. There’s also flash-based cut-scenes in between. They’re quite well-done but it looks really ridiculous. But in the process, its really fun.

Well there you go, some short review of the game. Please forgive me to do such short review. SORRY!!!

Mother’s Day

Sorry, its a backdated post.

Delays are caused by my exams, my Windows problem and time management problem =D

Anyway though, please go through the album~

Again, sorry for such a backdated post.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Graphic card’s stock cooler + fan!

Yes, this is a seriously backdated post.

Due to my exams last week, I had to delay all posts till now, but the connection seriously suck.

At one night, I was seriously bored and frustrated when I look at my graphic card’s temperature. Me and my brother said something about stock coolers and he thought of using AMD’s stock cooler fan, which is a Delta 70x70x15mm fan to mount on it instead. So I went in my kitchen drawer, hunted for it and dug it out.


Prying out the fan.


Prying complete. Time for mounting!


Yeah, if you’re alert enough, the sticker is blocking the airflow from directly going in to the graphic card’s processor.


Ripped off the sticker! Haha!

Don’t worry I never did threw away the sticker, instead I used it to stick other stuff, like my calculator, again =P


I can’t believe that its actually reflective!


AMD’s stock cooler fan. A Delta fan.

And then the next day, there was this!



Saturday, May 16, 2009

Random stuff

As the topic already says, this IS a blog post about random stuffs =D

Watch it and you will laugh for sure! This was made for a short story from Disney’s Cars right before the movie Bolt in the US.

P/S : There’s Monsters Inc. characters inside this short video.


New way to pass money to someone in the house! Just slip the money through the gap!


Eating a banana as small as your pinky finger.


Taking a photo of a butterfly (or some other insect) with my digital camera’s super micro-mode. Only possible without shaky hands.


Side view of the butterfly (or some other insect).


Given by my mom, she is seriously the best. She knew that I will make great use of this. Once I saw this, I was like “wow extra fan filters!”


My mom’s jade wristband. I can’t even fit through my 4 fingers (excluding the thumb of course)!

Sunbeam Core-Contact Freezer

P/S : This is quite a long post with quite a lot of pictures I accumulated over weeks!

Well yeah, if you do check my blog these few days, you might saw that my chat box, there’s my friend Yee Shiuan talking about the Sunbeam Core-Contact Freezer.

Actually I got this cooler at a cheap price. This is to replace my CPU cooler that has freakishly big sized heat sink.

The first impression from the Sunbeam Core-Contact Freezer is that it includes a 3-pin fan controller (single unit controller, rheostat) and also Tuniq MX-2 thermal grease.

My post arrived as I ordered and paid last two weeks I think. Sorry for not updating my blog for so long, part of it is due to my exams just like 48 hours away from the minute I got this package. Another part is that I am lacking in things to post. Also my laziness…



My package!



This big sized bubble wrap it to prevent the item from getting damages internally. In other words, preventing it from getting crushed.



The cooler itself. It is actually really small compared to my old one. Also this cooler is using the latest tower design.



This is why it is called the Sunbeam Core-Contact Freezer. It features the latest technology, the direct heat pipe contact.



When I saw this on the box, the airflow of the fan is really very surprising. 90.65CFM is seriously really high.

It even includes a fan controller. It is made to fit in the PCI brackets.



During the installation process, there was a problem where my motherboard’s gold plate thing written ASUS there is blocking the side to clip the cooler. To get it in, brute force is required.


After installation. We’re getting a rest coz of the headache about the clipping.


After installing the motherboard back into the chassis, the graphic card is nowhere touching the CPU cooler. But the clearance isn’t that big.


The plate thing written ASUS that I was talking about.

Also I took off my old CPU cooler’s Cooler Master 90CFM 19dBA blue LED fan to my chassis. No pictures were taken, sorry. Other than that, I swapped the stock top 230mm with the stock front 230mm fan with red LED.


The two fans. Seriously these fans are bigger than my face =P


Running mode after changing the fans.

There’s also something I realize. Since my rear fan is blue LED and my top fan is red LED, the color was having a little gradient O_O

Dang its nice.


Look at it!


The LED color mixture is nice. Note that the rear fan has the little red color light blended to it.


Here’s a random picture I took.

Before I end this post, there’s something else I would like to post.

old cooler P1011982

Before                                        After

Also benchmarked the coolers :D

temp 1 temp 2

Old cooler using bundled thermal grease.

Left side is idle, right side is running at 100%

idle CCF stress 100% CCF

Sunbeam Core-Contact Freezer put to the test itself. Using the bundled thermal grease, the Tuniq MX-2

Left side is idle, right side is running at 100%

Ahh… That’s all for now. Gonna blog about Mother’s Day now. By the way, if you do have and recommendation for cable managements or ventilation you can leave a message at the chat box or comment in the blog post itself. Thanks for reading this long blog post =D