Saturday, May 30, 2009

Game reviews!




Finally a blog post after so long!

Yeah, this is the first time I’m doing a game review blog post. First of all I would thank my uncle for giving me a Sapphire Ultimate HD 3870! Thank you!

Then secondly thanks to him too, he gave me 2 hard disks, both with games, one 80GB and one more 250GB. Here is one game I reviewed, the Price of Persia.



Prince of Persia. Considered Price of Persia 4 though, but its nowhere near the continuation of Prince of Persia 3.

What I would say about the game is, the design and the character drawing, the details, all of it is nice. Except for the game play, it sucked hard. The world design is nice, but the concept is not really good. Very repetitive.

The plot is quite predictable, you found a girl, you travel with her, dark forces attacks you and you tried to stop them, you got the light power to stop them and all those stuff. Then the last part is about the girl sacrificing herself to save the world, but you as an idiot went and chop the seal to save the girl.

There was an epilogue of this game though, the last part of it was about you splitting up with the girl. The dark force was unstoppable. Too bad it wasn’t available in PC version.


The new Prince of Persia. Very detailed.

The other game I played was Mirror’s Edge. Definitely a great game. Greatest ever! If you like action and adrenaline, do play this game. You will NEVER regret it.



Concept art of Mirror’s Edge, Faith punching a SWAT soldier.

The game concept is nice, the design is nice, the world is really simple and nice. This game is best played with anti-alias, since it does have the blind-spot feature in the game.

The plot though, sucks. Its about you, controlling Faith, parkour around and save your sister. There’s also flash-based cut-scenes in between. They’re quite well-done but it looks really ridiculous. But in the process, its really fun.

Well there you go, some short review of the game. Please forgive me to do such short review. SORRY!!!

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