Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Events of my live… Again…

I wish I can rant all my cold and hard feelings out. It feels like blocking my way of advancement. Anyway here’s my mom holding BIG aloe plant leaf… I think





Look how thick and juicy it is lol. There’s actually a lot more and much fatter than this at my house.


Everyone loves surprises, but not when they actually have to go through the surprise by eating it, or maybe touching that thing lol.

Out of curiosity, I took out my Phenom X3 sticker and applied it to my scientific calculator.


Dang, my precious sticker.


Before this I already sticked my motherboard’s sticker there…

P1011567 P1011571

Before                                             After

Heart was struck with a sharp needle after sticking this. Anyway though, I never regret since I can admire my AMD Phenom X3 anywhere I go haha.

After that I tried sticking a car shade to the fan as a fan dust filter. I followed pekies idea from Lowyat. This is how I did it…


Car shade, for those who don’t know what I’m talking about. (I don’t know what this thing is called actually =P)


Washed due to dirt and dried with my friendly USB fan.

After drying,




Takes like 1/4 of the whole car shade.




After sticking, this is how it looks like. Still looks great…


Back view.

The point of doing this is to change this high quality 120mm fan to my mom’s VGA cooling system. Her fan was loud and she couldn’t sleep properly due to the noise… and there was lots of dust…


Oh noz…


After cleaning and mounting the 120mm fan. Looks new…

Well now what I have to do is wait and see the result of this baby if it works. My cousin was on a conversation with me today and he showed me this.


Jalan Puki Mak U-Lah

Anyway before I end this post, I FOUND DEAD PIXELS ON MY DIGITAL CAMERA!!! I found out because when I was touching up my sister’s photo.

dead pixel

First dead pixel, which is around the mid-upper left side.

dead pixel 2

Second dead pixel, situated around the lower left side…

Actually there’s lots more dead pixels… Damn I need a new one.

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