Friday, April 3, 2009

iPhony – iPhone Review!

Yes, the wait is finally over for me (and my follow readers) because my sister finally got herself an Apple iPhone, which also given me a chance to lay my fingers on and do this review!

Anyway, before we move on, I would like to declare that my hands are shaky! I’m only 16 this year and my hand is shaking madly, thus affecting the photo’s clearness.P1011143

Let’s start off with a little Apple logo…


iPhone 2.0 which is also known as the iPhone 3G.


The iPhone-looking printed is actually a 3D paper thingy. You can feel it actually has a bump at the sides of the printed iPhone.


Meticulous designer from Apple in California too. Note that inside it actually has lots of guide books, and also 2 Apple logo stickers.


*Shaky hands* I’m holding an iPhone!!!

Before moving on, I would like to say a few things about the Apple iPhone :-

  • very thin
  • light weight
  • multi-touch feature
  • lag-free
  • 4-way accelerometer detection
  • charges the iPhone using USB (will talk about it later in this post)
  • lots of apps thanks to Apple itself
  • has a feature of turning off the display itself when listening to phone calls
  • has Google Maps that actually detects roads and places by names
  • special YouTube app
  • weather app that can add lots of places’ weather ; same goes to the clock app
  • has the special App Store by Apple itself ; even have free apps available to download via Wi-Fi or via EDGE
  • instant buttons for easy access to calls, e-mail, Safari (Internet browser) and also the iPod (media player)


The iPhone in sleep mode. Looks rather simple.


Due to my shaky hand again, the picture was contaminated. It is really thin.

Internet browsing wise, the iPhone actually has 3 rotations with the help of the accelerometer.


At left, it is rotated clockwise , while at the right side it is rotated counter-clockwise. Apple actually thinks about the left-handed people around the world, not like Nokia which can only be rotated clockwise.

Actually I was dumbfounded by the charger’s function. It looks rather stylish but then the function of it is to convert this…


Simple right?


From the 2 pins right into this.


From the 2 pins to a female USB connecter…

To experiment this, I wanted to find out if it works for all USB-based electrical appliances. The specimen of the day is my USB fan I got last year as my birthday present from my cousin brother and my brother.



Alright! everything is attached!

What happened when I toggle the switch on the fan was…


It actually works! But due to the camera’s capturing speed, the fan “stopped” in the photo.

Well it is a little off topic, I know. Now getting back on topic, here is the verdict of the phone.

It is very sleek, stylish, and definitely a phone from the future. But, the problem comes in when you want to copy your songs and pictures into the Apple iPhone.

Also, before the conclusion, here’s the list of pros and cons :-


  1. mutli-touch
  2. thin
  3. lag-free
  4. 4-way accelerometer


  1. copying media files from your computer is a problem
  2. must have iTunes program and account
  3. if cannot hook up into the Internet, the iPhone is practically just another phone
  4. a full QWERTY keyboard in the iPhone is really hard to type


The phone is a very nice and exclusive phone, especially for those who have big bucks to spend and a lifestyle-phone enthusiast. The Apple iPhone is meant more on the lifestyle type of phone and office phone since it can read Microsoft Office files and zooming in the text with the help of the pinch-zooming function.

My opinion for the Apple iPhone is that this is the perfect phone for my usage. I am more on the lifestyle user category and this is seriously the phone that has the class of its own.

Updated – 6th April

Here is a cool app from the Apple App Store, the Lightsaber. It uses the accelerometer’s technology and I think its a very neat program, for passing time and having fun with your family =D

The Apple iPhone’s accelerometer technology put into test. Actually it has very quick response comparing to Nokia phones.

As a picture to top something up, I would like to show you the Apple logo stickers here.


You can barely see it. Its all white…

Also I would like to talk about the Apple iPhone’s SIM card removal method. It doesn’t require you to shut down the iPhone to swap the SIM card, which is a neat feature.


The method introduced in the guide. Just use the needle thing and slightly poke it, and the SIM card with its retention will pop out.


The needle thing.


Here’s the stuff that the Apple iPhone gave together in the box when you purchase an Apple iPhone

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