Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Ah, haven't made a post about games long enough to make a comeback.
Sure you might say "Oh, another game" and yes, it is another game. Indie game.

You see - as time passes with high end console games, it gets more and more shittier. Well I did enjoy Portal 2. The game speaks for itself, it's so awesome that I want more of it. Got into electronic songs remixes because of the game. How can you ever hate on it? Same goes to Super Meat Boy. I love that game.

I wish I could bring back the days where games used to be fun, challenging and more interactive in terms of the story and also the gameplay.
Games nowadays are just mindless shooting, repetitive gameplay and mostly all are ripoffs with a just a little difference that you can barely notice.

Seriously? I like Portal, Mirror's Edge, the first Star Wars : The Force Unleashed and DiRT. COD is still alright, though quite unbearable at times.

Crysis is just overrated G.I. Joe and the gameplay is certainly bad. When games are designed to let the player to far superior than the enemies, it's just not fun like SW:TFU 2. Starkiller is just too powerful in the second one. It sucks. No challenge.

At least spice up the mindless shooting. Indie games FTW! Fresh new ideas and gameplays ALL the time.

Shall I end it with a piece of electronic remix?


Such things make me proud.

Happy Merdeka!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Download complete

Wow. I downloaded all 200 videos in 720p made by TheNewBoston.

Credits to them, love their tutorials and whatnot.
8,109,063,390 bytes. 8.1 billion bytes. 8.1 gigabytes, 8.1GB.

Who wants these videos? XD

Thanks, thenewboston. Links and props to them!

Monday, August 29, 2011

A little bit more of myself

Anyone who saw me and talk about religion might think that I'm ignoring that topic.

Why am I doing this? Please, when I first got into MMU the religion fanboys attacked me few times in groups. For me, my attackers were the Chinese Society Club that got me hard a few times (bad choice for attacking me) and also the Christianity club (or something like that). Too tired to rant about it then, since it's semester break now, it's perfect.

Skip this if you don't wanna know about what I think. Might be offensive to you or it might be an eye opener (I'm flattered).

To those who don't want to know or don't want to read, PLEASE GET OFF of this post.

Atheist or a fanboy avoiding trouble talking about it. I do talk about it only when the time, place and situation direly needs it to be talked about.

I could care less about the unnecessary things and superstitious hokum. Ravaging war between the Roman great scientists and Christianity in the past, all because of this.

People say God created humans by his own image. Truth to be told, I find the stories in bible and all the mythologies a little funny and absurd. If humans were made by his image, why do we all have different faces? And if not different faces, different bodies. Unless cloned, which is essentially still you.

Cutting everything else, how can a snake speak to humans? How did Adam and Eve communicate with each other? I wouldn't care about communicating with the snake first. That said, I still trust that evolution comes from the smallest form of organism. Like the food chain, the smallest in size are at the bottom with countless amount whereas the largest in size are the least in numbers. Comes the thought that evolution is once again obeying the laws of the universe and is never absurdly cutting queues.

Science has once again made it's point with logical facts. Not saying that I'm an atheist still, I do believe in existence of a creator that made everything so detailed without failure. Science has yet to discover the whole universe and beyond, yet limited by the number of years that the Big Bang happened multiplied by the speed of light to get the estimated maximum diameter (assuming Big Bang is spherical) of the universe. What if there is something faster than the speed of light that is beyond our measures? That would change the course of humanity. If God does help or show me something, I'm only believing God as a talisman that is always inside and by my side all the time then God will always be referred as "me", "myself" and "I".

Religion gets even more irrelevant when Mormons come about. No interest to talk about that other than the founder allegedly claimed that he found a piece of God's stuff in his backyard and no one else can see it. Absurd yet true. Humanity.

Speaking of irrelevant religion, if you ever read about a book The Secret by Rhonda Brynes you'll know that's absurd. Think about it rationally and you'll say it's still describing what I believe religion is. God is inside you, God is you. Having faith in yourself boosts confidence, thus having more will power. In my opinion, some of the context in the book are just self-stabbing though.

Who wants to read this book? I can lend it to you but then I have to tear out a lot of pages describing crap out of the book first.

The truth that I believe in is - education has come a long way to teach you to seek what or who you are, who or what or which believe in. Religion acts like a guideline to seek yourself. Eventually if you explore more and know more, you'll partially or fully doubt your own religion that you first believe in and started going bipolar or tripolar by just believing in more religions.

That's enough ranting on this sensitive issue, I meant to offend no one as I did state that to those who don't want to know or don't want to read, please get off of this post.

To those who read and disagreed or want to make me a religion person, no thanks. I am what I am, I believe in what I believe in. Here's a song for you. Specially for you.

EDIT : Look at this news.
Sickens me. Can't you maintain an open mind and revolve around the truth that science has proven?

"New" layout

Yes, a "new" layout. Thanks to my itchy hands I tampered with the CSS coding and without surprise, I screwed up the aspect ratios pixels. Reworked it to incorporate the new (I never been to the website on a desktop till recently) user friendly designer of the layout.

How'd you like my new super big header picture? I know it looks fake like plastic surgery. Photoshopped, laptop is not mine, my table is wooden but has the groove and also the table had no craft of my name on it. Reason why? I don't have proper equipment to take such photo and I don't have a camera that offers this clarity.

Anyway I'm on my sem break now. Have to study yet I have to finish up all my stuff and whatnot. Damn I miss the people already.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Feels good

... to be blogging with a proper computer other than a phone. Alas, embedding YouTube videos.
I realized one thing strange recently. It's like every elder guy has a favourite child's educational show. I did somehow came across Yo Gabba Gabba! last year while listening to a podcast by Android Central, but then this year the memes of My Little Pony just blasted out from nowhere and flooded everywhere.

For me though, my favourite is not My Little Pony. Have a look. Though the sound quality is bad...

I got a part of the class gone crazy about this last year LOL.

Speaking of such events, I did influence my class last year with some very distinctive words that only circulated around my class.

In life, not everything changes. I did brought forward the influential virus to MMU and applied it to internet memes. What else can I do right?

It started when something in the class that sparked this whole thing. Something to do with the word jelly.
At first no one knew what a meme was. Everyone knew nothing about them. Soon I showed them more and more, everyone used it.
They first said it's gay, whatever. Eventually everyone began to say "U JELLY?", "U MAD?" and "PROBLEM?"

Sean even shared memes with me LOL

I guess that's all for now. Damn, the blogosphere used to be so hectic and fast. Nowadays it's nothing but an escargot waiting to be served as an exotic meal to Google's account. In laymen's term, either this division being sold, integrated to something else or closed entirely.

EDIT : Oh wait, I forgot. Michael got crazy over Schnappi the crocodile and started spamming all over Facebook. LOL.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Until today I don't know what true friend is. Are they the ones who care about you? Are the ones who give you free stuff all day long? Are they the ones who open their heart up and speak about it?

I don't know. Previously my life is lonely, until coming to MMU that is. Bunch of great people!

They went to McDonald's for dinner and surprisingly phoned me, put me on loudspeaker and was greeted warmly and proceeded to a Skype video call where I see all of them and they all said hi LOL XD

It just feel so... Touched?? Yet soothing feel.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Synthetic height?

Thinking back, I went through surgery twice for tendon lengthening. Does it mean that my real height is added to this surgery? I doubt so though, but hell, it might be synthetic.

Making a difference.

You guys know that I use Cyanogen Mod but that thing is a little unstable so I want to migrate for a while. Loving it so far. MIUI!

The lock screen is amazing!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back to customizations

Windows 7 - I never customized you thoroughly before.
I changed the themes now, now I changed the icons and also changed the wallpaper.
DreamScene. Familiar? Yes, only available for Windows Vista Ultimate. Guess what? The most of the necessary files are actually IN Windows 7, just needed to be activated alongside with the necessary files.

You getting jelly? GLaDOS waking up. Portal 2. I like it so much.

Go and download the activator.

Distinctive me

You might think I'm a hipster, but no. This is something that EVERYONE and ANYONE can see when you meet me. It's something obvious.

I'm talking about my leg.

I usually don't talk about myself at all but it seems like there are a lot of people I know that didn't ask me about it. Some did, but the question sets the moment to total awkwardness and it just kills the mood like a nuclear bomb. I have to let the complete uncovered truth out.

Anyway, since I did find out that my leg makes many people think what happened because it's too hard to ask, don't be scared. I'll tell you all about it that I know. Nothing to hide.

In fact, I'm going to tell now.

A delayed birth on 6th of March 1993. I was forced to be in my mother's womb for a longer period of time due to the lack if presence of doctors. I was suppose to come out earlier. Then that delayed period of time have me a permanent brain damage, literally. I do think that doctors and nurses knew about this on that day.

I grew up living this way, falling down a lot or just being clumsy lol. I always trip on myself because of my right leg, even now.

I have a small case of cerebral palsy, which affected the part of the brain that controls my right leg by a little. Yes it might seem very drastic but I've seen worse.

I had 2 surgeries before, one when I was at 2 or 3 and another when I was 14. According to my mom I can't walk even at the age of 2 or 3. Both surgeries were tendon lengthening, while the first one was at some part and both Achilles' heel and the second one was only for my right leg's Achilles' heel.

I got most of the extensive information about myself )literally learning about yourself) from a doctor that asked my mother about the full details of what happened exactly on my time of birth during my medical check up for MMU. All thanks to my mom's question to the doctor about the cures for my leg.

I've been living third way for 18 years and beyond. What makes you think that I'm still denying to live in this state? A cure would be nice though. Till now I can't really control my right leg's spasms at random times and also I can't run yet my stability is totally funky. Not sure if swimming is good for me too.

Alright so that's about all me. I posted it in blog instead of anywhere else as my blog has now been forgotten and about few inches of dust has settled down. Somehow my friends in MMU first asked if I have a license for handicapped drivers or not. A funny assumption but I don't blame them for that conclusion.

So please now don't ask me about my leg in front of me. It just makes the situation awkward.

And no, this is not self pity or me begging for pity. This is just the truth and fact.

Before I forget - I thank you all my friends for not discriminating me for having such a leg. I truly appreciate it.

Love you all. Now you know a little more about me. LOL

Monday, August 15, 2011


Maybe I should open up more into my personal life in this blog. My blog is old enough to be forgotten, yet preserved all this while.
I always thought, well everyone needs a personal space to talk and share about yourself despite that you don't like to talk about yourself. Deep inside I'm sure everyone wants to talk about themselves once in a while

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Songs these days

Seriously? Songs these days are all about partying, ass, alcohol, drugs, getting down on the floor, kissing and bringing the roof down?
Songs these days have heavily modified pronunciation of words. Are they really that bad in English or just can't/too lazy rhyme the words?
Some songs are motivational or heavy in emotion, like it's speaking to your inner self. It's so good that you just feel an ice cold chill down your spine. Given songs are that influential, why are we fed with such crappy music these days?

Avril Lavigne's What The Hell is a good modern type of song that is heavy in emotion. Even Lady Gaga's Born This Way is. They both possess a message that is being sent through a song that has been made into generic pop music style.

Yes I admit I do listen to oldies these days. Reflect back on what songs used to be like. You Don't Have To Be A Star by Marilyn McCoo and Billy David Jr, Can't Touch This by MC Hammer, Butterfly by Crazy Town. Not exactly that old, but then it's just so chilling and nice.

One big secret that I never told anyone is that I did completely write one or two songs out of my free time before MMU started. View it here <---------- Clicky there.
I have no idea what happened to the colour scheme of this blog.

If anyone wants to sing it or modify it THEN sing it, please do so as it is also completely FREE, but inform me first. I would really like to spectate what is going to happen :P

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Everything that exist is an art, only depends on how you see it. For me, art is never limited.

Who says only graphics can be art?

What about numbers?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


  restaurant called "Room 18" in Fahrenheit teaches you how to use chopsticks with wallpapers of pictures on proper chopsticks holding


Everyone hates themselves over a mistake, no matter how small or large it is.
Things do happen for a reason, someone it's just so hidden that you don't realize right away.

Truth to be told, one is not creating without making mistakes

Random picture of the day... A wallpaper. From Acer itself