Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Ah, haven't made a post about games long enough to make a comeback.
Sure you might say "Oh, another game" and yes, it is another game. Indie game.

You see - as time passes with high end console games, it gets more and more shittier. Well I did enjoy Portal 2. The game speaks for itself, it's so awesome that I want more of it. Got into electronic songs remixes because of the game. How can you ever hate on it? Same goes to Super Meat Boy. I love that game.

I wish I could bring back the days where games used to be fun, challenging and more interactive in terms of the story and also the gameplay.
Games nowadays are just mindless shooting, repetitive gameplay and mostly all are ripoffs with a just a little difference that you can barely notice.

Seriously? I like Portal, Mirror's Edge, the first Star Wars : The Force Unleashed and DiRT. COD is still alright, though quite unbearable at times.

Crysis is just overrated G.I. Joe and the gameplay is certainly bad. When games are designed to let the player to far superior than the enemies, it's just not fun like SW:TFU 2. Starkiller is just too powerful in the second one. It sucks. No challenge.

At least spice up the mindless shooting. Indie games FTW! Fresh new ideas and gameplays ALL the time.

Shall I end it with a piece of electronic remix?

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