Saturday, July 11, 2009

I got that boom boom pow~

Yeah, this is an old post about a trip to KL on the 30th of June. My family and I went there for a day along with my sister and her colleague because she’s working lol. Well went there like freakishly early because of my sister’s job starts at 10am. When we reached, we went for a drink and breakfast. Somehow the nearest shop is Station One at Sunway.


Watching football in the morning. How great is that?

Then there’s a stress management toy, I suppose, that my sister has in her handbag. Her handbag has all the stuff. Her phone, stress management, pills, water, wallet,IC, license, w/e.


Stress management toy thing. It’s a kidney. She says its the same size as the real human’s kidney size. Unbelievable.

Then later on went to Sunway Pyramid, walk around and fool around, then went for lunch @ Manhattan Fish Market. Very nice Fish & Chips they have there.


Fish & Chips – Dory fish. Reminds me of Finding Nemo.

Then my brother ordered some prawn. I think it’s called the Dried Shrimps or something.


They freaking burn the food in front of your table!



After burning.


Also, a funky sign that they have. Fish lovers, haha.

Hehe, then after that we went for something very memorable *grins* the Fish Spa! Again it’s about fishes but this fish spa is like a platform where you sit on it and put your legs inside a pond thing. Then fishes will bite your dead skin away.

It felt so itchy at first, but later it feels so relaxing and syok.


Hehe. Feels so high during that time.


Mind my leg. They were tingling when the fishes bit, thus having the water ripples and blur photo reflections.

It was seriously a great experience getting bit by fishes. Well after that we walked around and then we went to the top and have a drink before heading home. We sat beside the window where we can see this long bridge across the Sunway Lagoon.


Imagine if you DO fall down or maybe the bridge was wobbly due to wind.




Here’s a comparison to the picture. Humans are so small,  yet the bridge is so damn freaking long.

Hehe. Till next time y’all. Have to rebuild my spirit to be a blogger again. Next post will be a little on stuff that I’d been doing lately.

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