Saturday, August 15, 2009

Malaysian songs for unity =O

Yeah, my camera got stolen and now I’ll have to find more materials to post. Here I’m going to post about songs =O

Malaysians have problems about unity so I think there we are wanting to unite all together and kill racism. Well even the artists helped. Firstly is the song named Here In My Home.

Funny opening XD

Well then there’s a new song competition called 1Malaysia.

As far as I know, the competition is about Malaysian unity and it is for the country =D

Well as a typical citizen, I have friends and family here so migration is definitely a bad idea. I’ll have to start over =\

Well anyway seems like this year’s Independence Day is different from the other days.

Actually there’s more local artists that makes good music, like Estrella’s Stay and Yuna (Yunalis).

After watching the MTV, this song is more about friendship. I hope my friends will stay too.

Here’s the song by Yuna, a Malay girl with a very nice and relaxing voice.

Very relaxing voice. This song is just a demo, so stay tune for the studio’s final release.

Seriously, there’s a lot of people with talent in singing. I think Estrella’s Stay has very rhythmic lyrics and a relaxing tune to listen to. Same goes to Yuna.

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