Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sister is back home!

Oh my God, my sister is back! It’s time to do some housekeeping =\

She’s the boss, so who will defy her orders right?

My mom cooked a feast for her according to her own choices. There was one or two which I love =D I don’t know what’s the name of the food in English, well most of it.


Sweet and Sour Chicken =D


Fry fry fry fry.

When my mom finished cooking, I did snap a few photos of the food =D

Hope it doesn’t make you guys hungry =D


Cauliflower + Carrot


Ham Choi


Teh Sweet & Sour Chicken. I ate a lot because its crispy lol!


The pot of Chicken Curry + Potato.


4 main dishes of the night =D

Woohoo! All of us had a good time eating but my hungry sister is still in eating mode. So she ate this.


Seriously is she that hungry?


I think she is lol.

Later on, she’s still hungry for more. This time she hungers for durian.



But then she still had some fruit to take back home, like durians and pomelo.  I saw that there’s was a label written by my mom lol.


I added the face there XD


She’ll have stomachache when she’s back at KL with Ooi Jin XD

Then we sat down, had a good chat together =D


Da boss and the sister.


What’s up with her? Lol


I just can’t resist NOT posting this picture =X

Later that night my cousin bro came to have a burger together. So we did.


Please don’t summon your hunger to slap me.

On the next day, we went out for the whole afternoon and when we came back, some of us slept and some of us just online and relax.


Entering Slumberland in 5… 4… 3… zzzzz……

Well I got an order from the sister to help her check up her laptop. Ooi Jin said he plugged the LAN cable to the laptop and then the wallpaper was gone O_O

So I did check up the laptop. And I know how to enjoy =D


Air conditioner + bed + bolster = enjoice!


Spent my evening just helping her to check up her laptop.

Then when I was checking, of course I went to Facebook and MSN (typical me) and there was an intense typing session. But then this happened.


OMG the laptop’s I button flew out!

I panicked and somehow I managed to plug it back in without anyone knowing =X


After spending the whole afternoon fixing her laptop, we all went out to have a drink at my uncle’s new shop.

Unfortunately we all cramped up in a Toyota Hilux because of lazy drivers =D


How come my sister can pose in the dark? Ooi Jin looks like he’s surfing XD

Then we reached. I did snap a few photos there too =D



After that my sister went back to KL =\ I might be going there soon because my mom called me to go there and fix some DIY furniture and racks in the bedrooms.

Till next time =D

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