Monday, March 30, 2009

A wallpaper for sharing!

Again, I am just a beginner in Photoshop. But then I like to follow guides in PsdTuts as they’re guides are great!

Here’s the current guide I’ve been following. I would like to share it since it looks great! Made in 1080p resolution~

Scenery 1080p

The guide again, is not by me. I only followed the guide, modified a little and did the blurring myself. The guide’s completion is really sharp so I anti-alias it.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

False advertising?


Lol @ the Cooler Master logo. It should be white “Cooler” word and blue “Master” word, like this one.


Lol @ them

My phone

Well my new classmates had got some poison from my phone. So I took a few pictures of my phone after I discovered my digital camera’s SuperMacro mode.



Front view.


Left side view.


Right side view.


Rear view.

If you noticed, you can see that there’s a string tied to my phone.



Samsung phone string. I like this because it’s really small and with a very strong factory-sealed string.

Time to get in to the inside of my phone! If you noticed my last posts, I did tell that my phone was hacked. What did I change was these…



My wallpaper. I removed the layout and changed the battery sign.


The file manager menu. I changed the icons only.


Walkman 2.0 Now playing screen. It shows Electropop by Jupiter Rising from the album named Electropop. I love this song so much. Jupiter Rising rules! By the way I modified the screen only.

If you have a chance to play with my phone, I actually hacked my phone’s volume, quality and camera driver.

Well till next time when there’s actually a chance to play with my phone. I still want to win the new Omnia HD from Samsung. T_T

My brother’s transplant

Well as the topic says transplant I mean not the organ transplant but his rig transplant. I helped him most of the part actually. It was simple back on his old PowerLogic casing. Only 2 screws were applied to the motherboard –_-


His in PowerLogic. I removed the PSU first because the wire clutter is too much till that it blocks the view.


Dust in his side panel. I can’t think of how it happened.

If you’re wondering what casing is my brother going to use, its my old Power-Up casing.


A shot of the interior

Well when removing the hardware part starts, of course the graphic card has to come out first.


Oh … The dust kills.



Motherboard heat sink. Dust accumulation is at quite a high level.


Power supply. The CoolerMaster eXtreme Power 450W. Turns out his PSU fan is clean!

Parts are taken out – installation is the next big thing…


Motherboard in the casing


All other peripherals inside. Note that the floppy bay is mounted with a HDD XD!



Cable management did by me.


Also did by me.

This casing is known to have bad cable management known by me lol. The installation was pretty quick too. So now that I’ve done it, time to say goodbye to PowerLogic!


Bad goodbye it is!

Another long post

Well I did do lots of things for the pass week and photos are accumulated in the memory stick and then BOOM it exploded to my desktop. I don’t like to keep lots of stuff in my desktop so I post it ASAP just to get rid of it XD!



The school magazine! Well I don’t know when will I read it but I don’t think that I will read it either.

Last week, I did used some brute force on my HAF 932…


Its the HAF 932 front panel!


Back of the front panel



Casing gone naked~



Looks very very weird without the front panel.



Its bigger than t he 230mm fan, so this front panel has no excuse for not covering my head XD

Also due to the blur picture I took last week, here’s a new one to patch it up.


The cable management.

Other than that, I had the best dinner last week


Meat + cucumber + bread + sauce = HEAVEN!!!


My sister is eating in the dark. This picture is taken when there’s no electricity on that same night I had the best dinner.

Unsafe electrical appliances – as you know my house is filled with these unsafe things. For example :-


Power strip which had a side melted. It’s already dried. When my mother was removing it, she had an expression where she shows its disgusting. I can just feel it, pulling the plug out with some liquid sticking to it. Ewwww. This is the cause of the electric zaps!


Another example. The fan switch for the living room had pop out few times. There’s once when I pressed it the whole button flew out.


On my workstation, I actually have 2 power strips. On the last right side is another power strip. I know this is dangerous but I only have 1 power plug for my speaker, my rig, my monitor, modem, phone charger, camera charger, cordless phone and printer.


The other power strip I was talking about.

Also there was a mosquito massacre in my place for the past month. All my family members were annoyed badly. Then my mom found this.


Roll-on lemon grass stick.

I applied but then somehow didn’t work, but then the number of mosquito had been reduced.

Well I’m splitting my posts in to a few more posts again. Please visit!

Weekend Holiday’s un-fun side

To start off, today is a Sunday and I slept till 2:49 PM. I know that’s really late but somehow I think I got frozen by the air conditioner. (I sleep right under the air conditioner) Anyway on Friday, my brother just completed downloading Macintosh OS X 10.5.2 (Leopard). He’s using the Hackint0sh lol.


I was downloading it before him actually


Look at the fast kernel codes!

Well at first I tried to install but then my brother had found something that says SATA/SATA II is unable to be used for Mac OS X.


Mac OS X 10.5.2 installation menu.

Well actually I got no photos AFTER the installation (sorry) but then, I did had a quick touch of Mac OS X. It features lots of innovative features like the zooming on whatever menu you want. Also it has light-like speed for copying things and also there’s no lag on doing anything else. Do note that it is using IDE/PATA.

On the down side, OS X cannot write on SATA drives. Can only be reading on SATA drives but no writing on it.

Overall, I think OS X is supposed to stick with Macintosh only. Nomral users stick with Windows. OS X doesn’t support most of the stuff and  can’t even watch movies!

Anyway I will leave this for now. Will post again with more OS X goodies next time.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

CoolerMaster HAF 932 - Casing’s booklet mistake

Well yesterday when I was cleaning up my drive, I found this in my computer.

It is the HAF 932 booklet before I changed my casing. I went through the booklet even though I have the printed booklet. (I’m lazy!) In the section where the steps for mounting a power supply at the top is shown. This is what I saw.


Realise anything yet?


I highlighted it for you! The screw was misplaced.


There you go, I fixed it!

Seriously that was a silly mistake. Though I wonder if the printed booklet has the same error.

Friday, March 27, 2009

School re-opening…

Yes, school just re-opened this week. I’m baffled by how fast a week actually is. Anyway, after 5 days with no updates to my blog, I eagerly awaited this moment. Here’s the week’s updates.


Followed my sister to her friend’s house. Note that this is a corner house, the upper entrance enters straight to the first floor where then lower entrance enters the ground floor.



Nissan GT-R34 V-spec. I wonder if they simply stick it there or its REAL.


Fake carbon fiber… This is a really comman thing to do, widely available. Even my cousin brother’s car has “carbon fiber” dashboard.


Photo taken by my phone. It was quite well-done by Edwin. This was on Physics tuition by the way =P


Peaceful sunset, I assume?

The week was quite boring. Wait up for another update though~

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Last day of the first semester break…

Oh yesterday was great. Here’s a couple of updates.

I just re-updated my HAF 932!! (I know it’s fast)

Hahaha!!! After some hard time searching for the Hex/Allen’s key/wrench, I finally found it. All these time it was with me actually. Lol. Guess where I found it.



My trusty toolbox.


The Allen’s key adapter and the screwdriver holder thing. Don’t know what’s it called lol~

Actually there’s a purpose why I am searching for the Allen’s key screwdriver. I wanted to change all the Allen’s key from my HAF 932’s 230mm fan to Philips screws for the fans instead. Easy for work and no fuss about searching for Allen’s key screwdriver again. My second purpose is for changing my side panel fan from intake to exhaust fan.


The pack of Allen’s key screws I removed from my HAF 932. Total of 8 screws. These little things were hard to remove!



The screws I changed to. Looks weird since the screws are silver in color and the casing is pitch black.



Side panel fan.

Also, on the last update I widen up the power supply plug due to inconveniency.



Nothing much right?



A random picture I took showing the from the third fan slot from the HAF 932’s top panel. It’s suppose to guide air out from the third fan because its half blocked by the IO panel. Great idea. And nice design.

The fantastic meal in this holiday

I’m a hungry freak, and I like to eat fried food a lot. As yesterday night right after the HAF 932’s update, my mom and I went out to pack some food for me and my sister.



Again, guess what it is~




There’s actually lots of varieties inside. I can name a few like fish fillet, chicken fillet, fried egg, French fries, sausage, and many more. My sister ate the Fish Fillet Burger plus egg. I think she’s hungry.



A random picture I simply took. It shows my mom’s hunger to eat. Lol. Please don’t get angry.

Workstation Cable Management! Part 2!!

Hoho, as my family and some of my readers (again thanks for visiting and/or reading!) knows that I like to play around with cables and manage them, I just did it again! This time its for the area behind my speakers and my monitor.



Coincidently my mom had a box that she’s going to call me to abolish it soon. It was the perfect size for this time’s workstation cable management.


Again, taping and cutting has to take place first. This time with Jupiter Rising’s new album! Tres Cool~



This time is less complex. It’s quite simple as just a three holes will do.



Two holes at each end.



After most of the taping and cutting


Again, after most taping and cutting.


This is before.


During the process. My back was aching mad!


After! Sorry for the blur picture, my back was seriously aching as I was bending a little.


Another picture of the box after the cables are done. Do note that the wire behind the box is actually the wall wire for the connection.

Suggestions and comments are welcome for this workstation cable management. Do help me out too.

Well after this I might not post so often as this week because of school work and exhaustion after school. Will try to keep up my effort! Till next time!