Sunday, March 22, 2009

Cable management for my rig and my workstation.

Haha, as most of my readers (thanks for visiting, reading, browsing, hopping through – very much appreciated!) knows, I somehow like to organize stuff such as cables, re-positioning things and doing some weird things.

Just yesterday, I modified the shoebox again due to some inconveniency. P1010814

This was the shoebox before it was modified.


This was after. I only patched the old hole and then cut another hole right above the old hole.


I also patched this hole. It was getting rend and tear by the voltage regulator.

Then suddenly got other me and I also enlarged hole for the wire to the power supply. No picture was taken. (Sorry!) Time for my rig!


 P1010848 P1010844

I redecorated the cables behind, it looks much more simple now. Also I have more workspace for my HDD part, and also exchanged slots for my HDDs.

Then I though of something about mounting my heatsink’s stock fan to the HDD. That is exactly what I did.


The tying process sucks. It made my fingers plausible to scrub off my dead skin.


Looking great!


Even the spinning looks nice eh~

Then tragedy strikes. I was sweating mad. I mounted the fan clashing with the stock 230mm red LED fan. Both fans blow to the same direction, the HDD. Had to undo all the ties and turn it around. –_-


Done! No more hologram sticker. That’s not good eh.

After that I went and see the results. Neither of my HDDs increase nor drop in temperature. It was weird, but somehow now my HDD’s heat is quite stable, as it wont increase more than 40ºC.

P/S : Any comments or suggestions about my cable management are accepted~ Do help me out here!

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